[Jazz at Williams] Spring 2022 Updates and Events

Vaidhyan, Adithya akv1 at williams.edu
Sun Feb 27 09:40:49 EST 2022

Hi everyone,

Just a quick update.

Unfortunately, Shainman is being used this Thursday from 6:30-8:30pm, so
we'll have to push our first listening session to the following Thursday,
March 10th from 6:30pm-7:30pm.

Sorry about the last minute change.

Looking forward to seeing you soon!


On Sat, Feb 26, 2022 at 3:57 PM Adithya Vaidhyan <akv1 at williams.edu> wrote:

> Hey Jazz at Williams!
> Hope everyone is having a great start to the semester.
> We have a lot of exciting events and performances coming up this semester
> that are amazing opportunities to learn about and listen to jazz.
> First, we will be having a weekly Jazz Listening Session in Shainman
> Rehearsal Hall from 6:30 to 7:30 starting next Thursday. We will be
> listening and talking about one of Miles Davis’s earlier records *‘Round
> About Midnight *so be sure to check it out before we meet next Thursday.
> Second, the Reverso ensemble is playing at Williams next Saturday, March
> 5th. This group is consists of trombonist Ryan Keberle, pianist Frank West,
> and cellist Vincent Courtois. They will be playing some really interesting
> music that take influence from classical music and jazz from the past 120
> years. There’s a more detailed description on the Music Department website
> but definitely put this on your schedule. You don’t want to miss it!
> Third, Swing Dance will be on April, 9th so be ready to put on your
> dancing shoes and enjoy some awesome big band music.
> Finally, Kris and Noah have been working really hard to make Jazz Fest
> happen on May 7th and 8th. Jazz Fest should be a larger version of last
> semester’s Jazz Day with performances by all of the Williams Jazz ensembles
> as well as our amazing faculty. There may also be a very special guest
> artist joining us on Jazz Fest, but more on that later. This will be the
> biggest Williams jazz event of the year so please come and enjoy!
> Sorry to send out such a long email, but as you can see, there’s lots to
> be excited about this semester.
> Hope to see some of you next Thursday and a lot of you for the bigger
> events coming up!
> Thanks,
> Adithya
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