[Jewonthis] Another Event

Aizenberg, Tamar tsa1 at williams.edu
Thu Feb 22 10:32:31 EST 2018

Hi All,

I was asked to forward along the info for an event sponsored by SJP and
QSU, which is happening tonight. Here's the description:

"This *Thursday the 22nd in Hopkins 001 at 7:30 PM* join SJP and QSU for a
discussion on *Pinkwashing*.

What is pinkwashing? How is "gay rights discourse" used to justify the
occupation of Palestinians?
Join SJP and QSU for a presentation and discussion of how Israel's use of
gay rights discourse has created a world in which the politics of
homophobia and the politics of occupation are inextricably enmeshed.
We will be introducing concepts such as homonationalism and pinkwashing:
Pinkwashing - "The practice of a state or company presenting itself as
gay-friendly and progressive, in order to downplay their negative behavior"
Homonationalism - Reframing queer identities as not only compatible with
but exemplary of the agenda of imperialist states - defining queerness as a
western phenomenon.
The State of Israel employs pinkwashing tactics by crafting policies that
are hospitable and beneficial for Jewish LGBTQ+ citizens that do not extend
to Palestinians. The "progressiveness" of these policies is used to negate
and distract from the Israeli occupation of Palestine, and by doing so,
erases queer Palestinian identities and resistance. We hope to highlight
the presence of Queer Palestinians, the struggles they face under
occupation and the role sexuality plays under occupation and at the


Tamar Aizenberg
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