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Comedy (Martin Short and Eddie Murphy)

  1. What musical instrument does Ed Grimley play?
    The triangle.

  2. What pop singer is he infatuated with?
    Miss Tina Turner.

  3. What would you find if you opened his refrigerator?

  4. What game show does Jackie Rogers, Jr. host?
    "The Jackie Rogers, Jr. $100,000 Jackpot Wad."

  5. Jackie always talks about his late dad. How did his dad die?
    His dad was mauled by a wild cat.

  6. What is Irving Cohen's favorite musical key?
    "A bouncy C."

  7. In "The Network Battle of the PBS Stars," Martin Short boxed Julia Child. What role was he playing, and how did he win?
    Mr. Rogers; he cheated by hitting Julia with the King Friday XIII puppet.

  8. What is the only prime time network TV show that featured Martin Short as a regular?
    The Associates.

  9. On "The Gumby Christmas Special," who was the guest star, and what ornament does Gumby receive from Sammy Davis, Jr.?
    Frank Sinatra; Sammy's glass eye.

  10. What is Gumby's favorite lunch?
    The Morey Amsterdam sandwich.

  11. Who does Mr. Robinson steal his drum set from?
    Smokey Robinson.

  12. Which neighbor does Mr. Robinson annoy, and what word does this neighbor teach the kids at home?
    Mt. T; the word is "pain."

  13. What did John David Stutts say to his tailor?
    "Sol, make me a suit. I'm going to shoot Buckwheat, and I want to look good on TV."

  14. What was Buckwheat doing just before he was shot?
    Modelling "O-Tay!" jeans.

  15. According to his bodyguard, if Buckwheat had not been the victim of drugs, he would be alive today. How is this possible, since Buckwheat was shot?
    If Buckwheat hadn't been on drugs, he would have been able to dodge the bullets.