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Cult Movies


    1. What song do the Germans sing in Rick's cafe, which is drowned out by the Marseillaise?
      "Die Wacht Am Rhein."

    2. Who plays the following roles: Sam; Sascha; Carl; Yvonne?
      Sam-- Dooley Wilson; Sascha-- Leonid Kinskey; Carl-- S.Z. Sakall; Yvonne-- Madeleine LeBeau.

    3. What three songs does Sam sing?
      As Time Goes By; Knock on Wood; It Had To Be You.


    1. What are the names of the major American characters: the General, the Colonel, the Major, the Group Captain, and the President?
      General Jack D. Ripper (or Buck Turgidson); Colonel Bat Guano; Major T.J. "King" Kong; Group Captain Lionel Mandrake (who's British, not American); and President Merkin Muffley.

    2. What is the recall code?

    3. What are the nine items in the Major's survival kit?
      One .45-caliber pistol, 2 boxes of ammunition, 4 days concentrated rations, 1 medical kit (including antibiotic pills, vitamin pills, pep pills, sleeping pills, tranquilizers and morphine), 1 combination Russian dictionary/Bible, 100 dollars in rubles, 100 dollars in gold, 9 packages of gum, 3 pairs of nylons, and 1 box of prophylactics. (Okay, so it's ten items.)


    1. Explain the title of the movie.
      The main character, Henry, has a dream in which his head is decapitated and turned into erasers for pencils.

    2. What can you find in Henry's drawers, and what can you find on his bureau?
      There are bowls of water in his dresser drawers. Bureau-- ???


    1. With what line was the movie advertised?
      "They keep coming back in a bloodthirsty lust for HUMAN FLESH!" or "Pits the dead against the living in a struggle for survival!"

    2. Just why ARE the dead rising?
      A fallen satellite has unleashed radiation that revives the dead.


    1. What is the full title of the first play they produce?
      "Springtime for Hitler: A Gay Romp With Eva and Adolf Through the German Countryside" (or thereabouts)

    2. What is the second play called?
      "Prisoners of Love."

    3. What is the name of the actor chosen to play Hitler, and what do his friends call him?
      Lorenzo Saint Dubois, also known as L.S.D.