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Junk Food

What products were advertised with these lines?

  1. "Have breakfast with the King."
    King Vitaman.

  2. "You can save half, and still have a hole."
    Almond Joy.

  3. "A burst of fruit flavor from the very first chew."

  4. "The gum that goes squirt."
    Freshen Up.

  5. What are the six kinds of Lucky Charms?
    Pink hearts, orange stars, green clovers, blue diamonds, yellow moons, and purple horseshoes.

  6. Describe, in detail, Pop Rocks.
    These hard little candies that fizzle and explode inside your mouth are truly the food of the devil.

  7. Who was Quisp's arch-enemy?

  8. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?
    According to the wise old owl, three. (According to the announcer, "the world may never know.")

  9. What happened to Nestle's $100,000 Bar?
    It was changed to the "100 Grand" bar.


  1. What five pop singers does David Lee Roth meet in "Just a Gigolo/I Ain't Got Nobody"?
    Michael Jackson, Boy George, Billy Idol, Cyndi Lauper, and fellow pop singer Willie Nelson.

  2. What TWO videos feature Julianne Springsteen?
    Bruce Springsteen's "Glory Days," and 38 Special's "If I'd Been the One."

  3. What video features Donny Osmond and Parker Stevenson?
    "Ambitious" by Jeff Beck.

  4. What do the following videos have in common: Madonna's "Like a Virgin," Michael Jackson's "Beat It," Greg Kihn's "Jeopardy," and Toni Basil's "Mickey"?
    All were parodied by Weird Al Yankovic.

  5. What is special about these two videos: "Sally" by the Ian Pearson Band, and "Baby Baby" by First Floor?
    Neither exists. They're the two bogus videos "excerpted" in Dire Straits' "Money for Nothing" video.

  6. Who are Neil, Vic, Vivian, and Mike?
    "The Young Ones."

  7. What form does the MTV Video Award take?
    An astronaut planting an "MTV" flag on a rocky surface.