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Politics and History

  1. What two future Presidents were first elected to Congress in 1946?

  2. What was the last major Presidential candidate who sported a beard?

  3. Who was Republican Presidential candidate Harold Stassen's floor manager at the GOP convention in 1952?

  4. Who beat Republican incumbent Crocker Jarman in a California Senate election in the early 1970s?

  5. Who came in first, second, and third in the 1984 Democratic caucus in Iowa, and the primary in New Hampshire?
Identify the following individuals:

  1. Homer Thornberry;

  2. Robert Leffingwell;

  3. Alexander Stevens;

  4. Jefferson Smith;

  5. Richard Sweicker.
Identify the assassins of the following political figures:

  1. Abraham Lincoln;

  2. William McKinley;

  3. John F. Kennedy;

  4. Robert F. Kennedy;

  5. Martin Luther King Jr.;

  6. Huey Long;

  7. James Garfield

  8. There were four major candidates in the 1948 Presidential election: Harry Truman for the Democrats, Thomas Dewey for the Republicans, Henry Wallace for the Progressives, and Strom Thurmond for the States Rights Party. Who were their FOUR running mates?
Quotations: Identify the speaker, and the context in which the speaker spoke the following four quotations.

  1. "There is no force so powerful as an idea whose time has come."

  2. "Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. Moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue."

  3. "If George McGovern were President of the United States, we wouldn't have Gestapo tactics on the streets of Chicago."

  4. "I'm content to recline and merely contemplate my own former eloquence."