Contest Main Page

Teams Roster

They Said It Was Duck Season, and They Said "Fire!":

Eric "Scwewy" Albert
Dan Aramini, he owns a mansion and a yacht
Ted "Laughing Boy" Benson
Katherine "Beep Beep" Bryant

Des "Tasmanian" Devlin
Raf Francis.... AH! Have some CHEESE, RRrrraf!
Craig Ganzer in the 24th and a half CENtury
"What's Up, Dom" Grillo
Amy Gugig tawt she taw a puddy tat

Rick Hartley made a wrong turn at Albuquerque
The Crusher, Steve Homer
Paul "Hassan" Kahn
Dan Katz, the most innnnnteresting monnnster
Robert Kent has awfully big eyes.... to HAVE.

Andy "Foghorn" Laitman
Maitland "Which way did he go?" Lederer
Richard Levey (Trivius Incredibulis)
Eric Lindholm.... OOH!! He's DYYYYYING again! Troy "Gashouse Gorilla" Lowry

Helen Mango, the shoot-em-firstiest, doggone worstiest varmint that ever rustled west of the Pecos
Tanis O'Connor, Sup-er Gen-i-us
Greg "Sniffles" Pliska
Gary Selinger, that Oscar-winning wabbit
Dethpicable Diana Tenery

Karen Von Haam? NNNnnnyyeehhhh, it's a possibility!
Kimbewwy Wadswowth, huh huh huh huh huhh!

(Plus the three naked guys who inspired us all)


*Most of the above players played and won in May 2001, but did not return to run in December, for various reasons ranging from unassailable to shameful wussbaggery. Approximately 8 people came back.

Not listed above (because we didn't know they were gonna help us until around 11:30pm that night): Peter Giordano, Roland Galibert

The reader is invited to make up amusing Warner Bros. nicknames for these two fine gents.