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I. Basics Department

  1. On what street can you find the offices of Mad Magazine?
    MADison Avenue

  2. Under what department is listed:

  3. Who writes:

  4. On the title page, who is credited with being the "Contributing Artists and Writers"?
    "The Usual Gang of Idiots"

  5. MAD is published by E.C. Publications, Inc. What does E.C. stand for?
    "Entertaining Comics"

  6. You read "Rare Photo of Minnesota Fats' Private Pool Cue Collection." What does this describe?
    The UPC symbol in the corner of every cover

II. Parodies Department

What is the MAD name for each of the following movies and television shows?

  1. "The Poseidon Adventure"
    "The Poopsidedown Adventure"

  2. "Patton"

  3. "Jaws"

  4. "Hogan's Heroes"
    "Hokum's Heroes"

  5. "The Godfather"
    "The Oddfather"

  6. "Tarzan"

  7. "Broadcast News"
    "Broadcast Snooze"

III. Random Stuff Department

  1. Why does it take 3 Americans to change a lightbulb?
    One to change the bulb, and two to locate a bulb that's not defective. (From "American Jokes They're Telling in Poland.")

  2. The Woman Wonder's mortal enemy is Nivlem. What is significant about this name?
    It's "Melvin" spelled backwards.

  3. List the things with which the Mole does his digging.
    Shovel; spoon; toothpick; nose hair.

  4. Why is Kate Jackson the brainy one of Charlie's Angels?
    She wears a turtleneck.

  5. What is mysterious about "The MAD Mystery Record"?
    It has five separate, random endings, thanks to interlocking grooves.

  6. You are Dustin Hoffman in "Kramer vs. Kramer." You are afraid to tell your son that you are getting divorced. You are in a MAD parody. What do you tell your son?
    "Mommy's dead."

  7. MAD parodied "My Fair Lady" after it was shown on TV. In the parody,

  8. You are a woman lying on your stomach at the beach getting a tan, in "A MAD Look At The Beach." You go home, your husband sees your back, and he gets angry at you. What has happened?
    Two kids have held the wooden outline of a hand over your tanning skin.

IV. Fill In The Blank Department

  1. See the man. He is very religious. He has been hit by a car. Quick, get this man to a hospital. Wait a minute! We have just found out something. He is a Christian Scientist. ____________________
    "Get this man to a Reading Room!"

  2. "What a man! He's ruthless.....yet suave."
    "They say he has a License to Kill!"
    "He also has _______________"
    "A Learner's Permit to make out!"

  3. "I hate all these big multinational corporations. I don't need any of them! All I need is my guitar, and __________________"
    "--an outlet to plug it into."

  4. "Good con, kid! We beat him for a big bundle!"
    "No, it was a bad con! Because in that complicated Money-in-a-Hanky exchange we pulled, I accidentally handed him my undershorts!"
    "But we got eleven thousand dollars!"
    "Yeah, but __________________"
    "--I'm so hot in movies these days that my undershorts are worth TWELVE thousand!"

  5. Makin' out! Makin' out!
    I tell myself I could be, should be makin' out!
    But all I'm makin' out from all this makin' out
    Is that ____________________
    Everybody's makin' out but me.

V. Help Don Martin Come Up With A Punch-Line Department

For the comics on the following pages, please draw in the ending.