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Let's start off with some easy qusetions:

  1. What strip do the following people draw? (Like I said-- easy to start)

    1. Jim Davis
      Trick question-- many, many, many years ago, Davis used to have some physical contact with the comic strip called "Garfield."

    2. Bill Amend

    3. Garry Trudeau
      Doonesbury (again, a trick question with the wording "What strip do the following people DRAW?")

    4. Berke Breathed
      Bloom County; Outland

    5. Cathy Guisewite
      Cathy (Yes, despite all evidence to the contrary-- technically speaking, "Cathy" is "drawn.")

    6. Charles Schulz

  2. In the strip "For Better of Worse," the father is a dentist. In real life, the husband of the creator of the strip is a dentist. What kind of dentist. Be specific?

  3. What campus following did Steve Dallas have in the original incarnation of "Bloom County"?

  4. What college/university did Garry Trudeau go to and draw his first strip?
    Yale; it was "Bull Tales."

  5. What happened to Duke's sighseeing cruise of the Falklands?

  6. In "Dilbert," what is the DSN which might be bought for a huge amount of money?

  7. What job does Cathy's current boyfriend have?

  8. What are the rules of Calvinball?
    There's only one: "You can never play the same way twice."

  9. What kind of plane does Snoopy fly? How about his opponent? How many wings does a real version of Snoopy's plane have? His opponent?

  10. Who is the oldest son of Prince Valiant?

  11. What modern-day country is Hagar the Horrible from?

  12. Who are the spirits/poltergeists in "Family Circus" (names, please)?
    Not Me; Ida Know; there's a third, too. And then there's all the creepy dead grandparents floating around the house.....

  13. What is Mary Worth's current job?

  14. The following are "headlines" from a comic strip. Complete them. (A hint-- these may not have been the primary focus of the strip.)

    1. "Cartoonist Beats...."

    2. "Cartoonist to Repair...."
      Hubble Space Telescope

    3. "Cartoonist to have role in...."
      Next Batman Movie

    4. "Cartoonist solves the.... 'I'll be danged' says producer Lynch"
      Laura Palmer Murder

  15. Name the character names of the original cast of "Scooby-Doo." And give the name of the vehicle.
    Scooby, Shaggy, Freddy, Daphne and Velma had the exact same adventure 1,200 times in a row whilst driving the Mystery Machine. ("Scooby-Doo" is my favorite comic strip.)

The Comics

Starting on the next page, you will find copies of actual strips, with one change-- one panel has been taken out.

For full credit, give the actual dialogue from the missing panel. (You can include artwork, too, if you want, but I won't grade on it.)

For partial credit, give some other dialogue that makes sense, would be funny, AND the original artist might have used. Yes, you have to try to mimic their style. If you really can't, then try something else and you might get a little.