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Children's Books

  1. To whom and to where does Paddington write postcards?
    To his Aunt Lucy in Darkest Peru.

  2. What three types of animals wickedly take over Toad Hall in Toad's absence?
    Weasels, Ferrets, and Stoats.

  3. How did the Old King of the Elephants die?
    He ate a bad mushroom.

  4. In the realm of chocolate, who are Slugworth's competitors?
    Wonka, Prodnose, and Fickelgruber.

  5. Recite "Now We Are Six."
    "When I was One I had just begun.
    When I was Two I was nearly new.
    When I was Three I was hardly me.
    When I was Four I was not much more.
    When I was Five I was barely alive.
    But now I am Six and as clever as clever, so I think I'll be Six now for ever and ever."

  6. What biological oddity occurs in "Stuart Little"?
    Mrs. Little gives birth to a mouse.

  7. Why is the Wardrobe magical?
    It was built from the wood of an apple tree planted by Professor Kirk, who got the seed for the tree in Narnia.

  8. What is one instructed to do in "Pat the Bunny"?
    Well, pat the bunny, for a start. Also, play peek-a-boo with Paul, smell the flowers, look in the mirror, feel Daddy's scratchy face, read (Judy's book), put your finger through Mummy's ring.

  9. Who inhabits the Giant Peach?
    The Old-Green Grasshopper, the Spider, the Ladybug, the Centipede, the Earthworm, and the Glow-Worm.

  10. What does Charlotte write in her web?
    Some Pig, Terrific, Radiant.

  11. What does Tigger eat, and what does Tigger NOT eat?
    He eats Roo's Strengthening Medicine, but does not eat hunny, haycorns or thistles.

  12. According to the Brothers Grimm version of "Snow White," how is Snow White awakened?
    The dwarfs drop her golden coffin, and the piece of apple falls out of her mouth.

  13. How do you make a flibber?
    Lay out three sheets of newspaper, overlapping, and roll up. Make four rips from one end, about 10 inches long. Grasp the center strip, and slowly pull out, forming a long "tree" with newspaper strips hanging from all sides.

  14. According to Wonka, what is the meaning of the word "veruca"?
    It is a sort of wart that you get on the sole of your foot.

  15. How did the war between the Rhinos and the Elephants start?
    Arthur tied a firecracker to the tail of Rataxes the Rhinoceros.

  16. According to Eloise, what happens when you don't eat your oatmeal?
    You dry up.

  17. Where do the following characters live?

    1. The Whether Man--

    2. The Little Prince--
      Asteroid B-612.

    3. Mole--
      Mole End.

    4. The Grinch--
      Atop Mount Crumpet.

    5. The Letharginians--
      The Doldrums.

    6. The Red Queen--
      Through the Looking Glass.

    7. Eloise--
      The Plaza Hotel in New York City.

    8. Heffalumps and Woozles--
      Pooh's imagination (or, the Hundred-Acre Wood).

    9. Thing One and Thing Two--
      The Cat in the Hat's Fun-in-a-Box.

    10. Faintly Macabre (the not-so-wicked witch)--