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Comic Books


  1. From the semi-underground comic "Cerebus," what are the three super-heroic incarnations of that recurring character, The Roach?
    Captain Cockroach; Moon Roach; Wolveroach ("Priest Roach" also acceptable).

  2. From the dreaded D.C. Universe, we want information about the infamous Legion of Super-Pets (!!?!).

    1. Name the 5 Super-Pets (Hint: There was one set of twins).
      Krypto the Super-Dog; Streaky the Super-Cat; Comet the Super-Horse; Beppo the Super-Monkey; and Proty 1 & Proty 2, the Super-Protozoa.
    2. Who organized them?
      Lightning Lad, Saturn Girl and Cosmic Boy.

  3. What is the Watcher's real name?

  4. What else, besides Man-Thing, can be found in Man-Thing's swamp?
    The Nexus of All Realities.

  5. D.C. again: What is the secret identity of Ragman (i.e. Superman is to Clark Kent as Ragman is to...)?
    Rory Reagan.

  6. From "Howard The Duck," what scandal prevented Howard from completing his 1976 Presidential candidacy, and why was the scandal obviously a hoax?
    A photograph was published showing Howard and Bev (his human girlfriend) taking a bath together. The photo was obviously doctored from two separate bathtime photos, because the combined halves of the tub had no faucet.


  1. According to "Doonesbury," what was candidate Jimmy Carter doing when his foreign policy adviser first came to Plains to brief him?
    Catching frogs.

  2. What, according to "Bloom County," was Prince Charles' first choice of a name for his first son?

  3. Name Charlie Brown's baseball team, by position.
    Charlie Brown, P; Shermy, 1B; Linus, 2B; Snoopy, SS, Schroeder, C; Lucy, RF; Violet and Frieda, the other two OF positions; 3B remains a mystery.

  4. From "Broom-Hilda," what are the names of the buzzard and the (elder) troll?
    Gaylord; Irwin.

  5. Where did Charlie Brown buy Snoopy, who was the original owner, and why did that owner have to sell him?
    The Daisy Hill Puppy Farm; Lila; Her family moved to an apartment that did not allow pets.

  6. At what department store do Blondie and Tootsie, of "Blondie" fame, do their shopping?


  1. Name all of Prince Valiant's children.
    Prince Arn, Valeta, Kathryn, Galan, Justin.

  2. What is the name of the private detective firm Buz sawyer runs?
    Troubleshooters, Inc.

  3. What is the name of Alley Oop's girlfriend?
    Ooola (three "O"s necessary).

  4. What is the explanation, as per "Alley Oop," for the existence of the Loch Ness Monster?
    Alley went to the past to capture a plesiosaur for scientific purposes. While returning to the present, they were accidentally diverted to medieval Scotland, where the pleiosaur escaped.

  5. Who made Prince Valiant a Knight of the Round Table?
    Sir Gawain (for whom Val was a longtime squire).

  6. What is unusual about the big cats on the Phantom's Isle of Eden?
    They have been raised to be vegetarians.



Fantastic Four: (The Thing:) "It's clobberin' time!" Artist: John Byrne

Spider-Man: (caption:) "...with great power there must also come-- great responsibility." Artist: Steve Ditko

X-Men: (Dr. Doom:) "Fascinating. And I thought I was ruthless." Artist: Dave Cockrum

Batman: (Bruce Wayne:) "Criminals are a superstitious, cowardly lot, so my disguise must be able to strike terror into their hearts. I must be a creature of the night, black, terrible.....a....." Artist: Bob Kane

Wolverine: (Wolverine:) "I'm the best there is at what I do. But what I do isn't very nice." Artist: Frank Miller

American Flagg! (Raul:) "Uh, Reuben, I think the chair got him." Artist: Howard Chaykin