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This hour's bonus is from the inimitable realm of comics. Of course, everyone knows that most of the comics we deal with here are those Marvel and DC titles that center on some sort of hero, someone who has gained or been granted extraordinary powers and abilities, to help them set a good example for us normal mortals in a world fraught with undesirable morals. Of all those powers, running the gamut from strength to agility, from laser-rays to radar sense, from a list of powers as myriad as the imaginations of some of America's most creative minds, perhaps none is so old or so famous as the power of FLIGHT. Everyone seemingly can relate to the power of flight very strongly; it is a human dream for all of us.

Yet there are so many ways that these heroes use to become airborne that you need a phone directory to keep them all straight. That, or the mind of a trivia deviant.

For each of the following heroes or heroines, please tell us how they defy gravity.

  1. Superman

  2. Iron Man

  3. Green Lantern

  4. Thor

  5. Sub-Mariner

  6. Wonder Woman

  7. Human Torch

  8. Red Tornado

  9. Dr. Strange

  10. Nighthawk

  11. Storm

  12. Ant Man

  13. Hulk

  14. Moon Knight

  15. Hawkman

  16. Vision

  17. Angel

  18. Spider-Man

  19. Jack-Of-Hearts

  20. Supergirl

  21. Ultra Lad

  22. Dawnstar

  23. Firestorm

  24. Brainiac 5

  25. Conan The Barbarian