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The Twilight Zone

You are now invited to unlock the Door with the key of Imagination and enter into another dimension. It is a wondrous land which is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. That's the signpost up ahead-- your next stop, Gilligan's Island. Just kidding, the Twilight Zone.

Submit the following instructions for your approval. You are about to hear 15 situations that begin episodes of "The Twilight Zone." Please tell us what the twists are at the end of each episode.

  1. A clown, hobo, ballet dancer, bagpiper, and an army major find themselves trapped inside an enormous feature-less cylinder, with no memory of who they are or how they got there.
    The army major escapes by climbing onto the shoulders of the others, at which point we discover they are all DOLLS IN A LARGE CAN, being sold on the street at Christmastime.

  2. Janet Tyler undergoes her eleventh operation to mend her freakishly bad looks.
    TYLER IS BEAUTIFUL by our standards, but lives in a WORLD OF UGLY BEINGS. The operation fails to improve her looks, and she is sent to an island for freaks.

  3. A lonely old crippled woman receives two unaccountable phone calls in the middle of a stormy night.
    During the storm, THE PHONE LINE HAS FALLEN ONTO THE GRAVE OF THE WOMAN'S FIANCEE, dead for decades. We learn that in their youth, she bullied him into allowing her to drive. She crashed the car, killing him and crippling herself.

  4. A schoolteacher is visited by a young girl who insists about talking about a man the teacher saw earlier that day.
    The man is the MURDERER OF THE SCHOOLTEACHER'S MOTHER. The schoolteacher had WITNESSED THE MURDER AS A CHILD, but the shock blocked out the memory. The killer has returned to eliminate the only witness. The young girl is AN APPARITION OF THE SCHOOLTEACHER HERSELF, AS A CHILD, who is trying to restore the memory to consciousness before the killer can realize his plan. She remembers in time, and pushes the man down a flight of stairs, to his death.

  5. A mild-mannered bank teller, Henry Bemis, can never find enough time to read.
    Safely hidden in the bank vault, he is the SOLE SURVIVOR OF A NUCLEAR HOLOCAUST. Upon seeing that the annoying people who torment him are gone, and that all the books of the library are available to him, he rejoices. However, he ACCIDENTALLY DROPS AND BREAKS HIS EYEGLASSES, and is thus unable to read any of them, even with all the free time in the world.

  6. The daughter of a scientist demands that her father dismantle the robot servants that staff the house, because her parents are getting too dependent on them.
    The daughter, unbeknownst to herself, IS ALSO A ROBOT. Before she becomes even more troublesome, the scientist REPROGRAMS HER AS A MAID.

  7. On maneuvers at Little Big Horn, a three-man tank unit keeps finding mysterious evidence of General Custer's 7th Cavalry, and Indians on the warpath.
    The men end up 100 years backwards in time. A 20th-century search party CANNOT FIND ANY SIGN OF THE MISSING MEN.... until later that day, they discover THE THREE MEN'S NAMES INCLUDED ON A MEMORIAL LISTING OF THE BATTLE DEAD.

  8. Following a blowout in Pennsylvania, Nan Adams repeatedly sees the same ominous hitchhiker.
    In fact, Nan Adams HAD BEEN KILLED EARLIER IN A CAR CRASH CAUSED BY THE BLOWOUT. The hitchhiker is actually DEATH (or a minion of Death) coming to collect her.

  9. An old woman, alone in a farmhouse, is terrorized by tiny robot-like spacemen.
    After a lengthy standoff, the fearful woman kills the spacemen and destroys their spacecraft. Just before the last one dies, they send a distress call to NASA. The ship is labelled U.S. AIRFORCE, and so we learn that the mysterious miniature spacemen are actually AMERICAN ASTRONAUTS ON A PLANET OF GIANTS.

  10. It's Mardi Gras in New Orleans, and a dying man insists that to earn their inheritances, his heirs must wear grotesque masks until midnight.
    The MASKS have been created by a VOODOO witch doctor, to reflect the ugly inner souls of the dying man's greedy relatives. The relatives hate the masks, but wear them until the stroke of 12 to get his money. After the man dies, they remove the masks, to discover that THEIR FACES HAVE BEEN RESHAPED INTO THE HIDEOUS FEATURES THEREOF.

  11. An amnesiac in a jumpsuit awakens in a town strangely devoid of people.
    After searching the town in vain, he collapses, hysterically pushing the "Walk" button at a street crossing. The man is actually AN ASTRONAUT TRAINEE INSIDE AN ISOLATION BOOTH. The button is his panic button; he has not met the standard, and his experiences in the town were a total hallucination.

  12. A used car salesman buys an old Model A that forces its owner to tell the truth.
    Telling the truth nearly ruins the salesman's shady business, until he is able to SELL THE CAR TO SOVIET PREMIER NIKITA KRUSHCHEV. (What will happen when Krushchev is "forced to tell the truth" is jeeringly hinted at.)

  13. The first manned space flight crashlands on a dry deserted asteroid, with three survivors and only five gallons of water.
    TWO ASTRONAUTS ARE KILLED FIGHTING OVER THE REMAINING WATER SUPPLY. The third struggles over the nearest hill, only then discovering that THEY WERE ON EARTH THE WHOLE TIME, in the Nevada desert.

  14. An overworked dancer recovering in a hospital has a recurring dream that late at night, a nurse leads her to Room 22-- the Morgue-- throws open the door for her, and says, "Room for one more, honey."
    Doctors convince the woman that her dream is just that-- the night nurse looks nothing like the woman in her dream. Once released, she is ABOUT TO BOARD AN AIRPLANE when she sees that HER FLIGHT NUMBER IS 22, AND THE STEWARDESS (who is the woman from the dream) says, "Room for one more, honey." THE WOMAN REFUSES TO FLY, THEREBY AVOIDING THE LATER PLANE CRASH.

  15. The Kanamits arrive on Earth to aid mankind using their superior technology.
    A Kanamite leaves a book behind. Humanity is thrilled when they decipher the title as "TO SERVE MAN." Thousands of people agree to travel to the Kanamits' planet in an exchange. A decoding expert learns too late that the rest of the book has been translated, and "To Serve Man" is actually A COOKBOOK.