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Acronyms and Abbreviations

Simply write the full (no abbr.'s in answer!) names of the following organizations, titles, etc. And no, there aren't any typos, thank you.

  1. ASEAN

  2. ANZUS

  3. SEATO

  4. GATT

  5. WATS

  6. SCUBA

  7. LASER

  8. OBE

  9. NORML

  10. NAMBLA

  11. COYOTE

  12. ARBY'S

  13. MIDI

  14. "TSOP" by MFSB (both, please)

  15. UNIFIL

  16. KAOS


  18. OPEC

  19. BMI

  20. AFTRA

  21. PUSH

  22. SCA

  23. DEW

  24. SWAPO

  25. ASCAP

  26. JAFO

  27. COBOL


  29. FUBAR

  30. SPBSQA

  31. SAG

  32. AFL/CIO

  33. OSS

  34. ISBN