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Acronyms and Abbreviations

Simply write the full (no abbr.'s in answer!) names of the following organizations, titles, etc. And no, there aren't any typos, thank you.

  1. ASEAN
    Association of South East Asian Nations

  2. ANZUS
    Australia-New Zealand-United States treaty organization

  3. SEATO
    South East Asia Treaty Organization

  4. GATT
    General Agreement of Tariffs and Trade

  5. WATS
    Wide Area Telephone Service

  6. SCUBA
    Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus

  7. LASER
    Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation

  8. OBE
    Order of the British Empire

  9. NORML
    National Organization to Reform Marijuana Laws

  10. NAMBLA
    North American Man-Boy Love Association

  11. COYOTE
    Call Off Your Old Tired Ethics

  12. ARBY'S
    America's Roast Beef, Yes Sir!

  13. MIDI
    Musical Instrument Digital Interface

  14. "TSOP" by MFSB (both, please)
    "The Sound Of Philadelphia" by Mother Father Sister Brother
    (NOTE: This theme to TV's "Soul Train" was a #1 hit in 1974; a popular rumor suggested that "MFSB" actually stood for Mother Fucking Sons of Bitches.")

  15. UNIFIL
    United Nations' Interim Force In Lebanon

  16. KAOS
    Killing As Organized Sport

    Special Executive for Counter-intelligence, Terrorism, Revenge, and Extortion

  18. OPEC
    Organization of Petrol-Exporting Countries

  19. BMI
    Broadcast Music, Incorporated

  20. AFTRA
    American Federation of Television and Radio Artists

  21. PUSH
    People United to Save Humanity

  22. SCA
    Society for Creative Anachronism

  23. DEW
    Distant Early Warning

  24. SWAPO
    South West Africa People's Orgianization

  25. ASCAP
    American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers

  26. JAFO
    Just Another Fucking Observer

  27. COBOL
    COmmon Business-Oriented Language

    GEheimnis STAats POlizei (Secret State Police)

  29. FUBAR
    Fouled/Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition

  30. SPBSQA
    Society for the Preservation of BarberShop Quartets in America

  31. SAG
    Screen Actors Guild

  32. AFL/CIO
    American Federation of Labor/ Congress of Industrial Organizations

  33. OSS
    Office of Strategic Services

  34. ISBN
    International Standard Book Number