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First and Last Lines

  1. (F) Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy; Douglas Adams
  2. (L) "Jerusalem" from "Milton"; William Blake
  3. (F) Ivanhoe; Sir Walter Scott
  4. (F) "Venus & Mars/Rock Show"; Paul McCartney & Wings
  5. (L) The Great Gatsby; F. Scott Fitzgerald
  6. (F) RN (biography); Richard Nixon
  7. (F) The Little Prince; St. Exupery
  8. (F) Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band; The Beatles
  9. (F) The History of Art; Jantsen
  10. (F) "Bohemian Rhapsody"; Queen

  11. (F) "The Logical Song"; Supertramp
  12. (F) "Higher and Higher"; The Moody Blues
  13. (F) Inferno; Dante Alighieri
  14. (F) Jane Eyre; Charlotte Bronte
  15. (L) "Light My Fire"; The Doors
  16. (F) The Last Days of Pompeii; Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton
  17. (F) Henry V; Shakespeare
  18. (L) Gulliver's Travels; Jonathan Swift
  19. (L) A Clockwork Orange; Anthony Burgess
  20. (F) "Kiss and Say Goodbye"; The Manhattans

  21. (F) DM Guide; Gary Gygax
  22. (F) 1984; George Orwell
  23. (F) The Wasteland; T.S. Eliot
  24. (L) Analects; Confucius
  25. (F) Calculus 107-108; Fraleigh
  26. (F) The Communist Manifesto; Karl Marx
  27. (F) Pride and Prejudice; Jane Austen
  28. (L) "Ode on a Grecian Urn"; Keats
  29. (L) Leviathan; Hobbes
  30. (F) Will To Power; Nietzsche

  31. (F) Before the Law; Kafka
  32. (L) King Lear; Shakespeare
  33. (F) The Phantom Tollbooth; Norman Juster
  34. (F) Civil Disobedience; H.D.Thoreau
  35. (F) Images of Eternity; David Park
  36. (F) 1st "Doonesbury" strip; Garry Trudeau
  37. (F) "Officer Krupke"; West Side Story; Sondheim/Bernstein
  38. (F) The Outer Limits intro
  39. (L) Return of the King; JRR Tolkien
  40. (F) "Star Wars"; George Lucas

  41. (L) TV commercial for "Stay Alive" board game
  42. (F) Slaughterhouse Five; Kurt Vonnegut
  43. (F) "Alice's Restaurant"; Arlo Guthrie
  44. (F) Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas; Hunter S Thompson
  45. (F) The United Nations' charter
  46. (F) "Aqualung"; Jethro Tull
  47. (L) "Long Distance Runaround"; Yes
  48. (F) Intro to "The Twilight Zone"
  49. (F) Finnegan's Wake; James Joyce
  50. (F) The Hobbit; JRR Tolkien

  51. (F) Curious George; H.A. Ray
  52. (L) the rules for "Trivial Pursuit"
  53. (L) package slip; mailroom
  54. (F) Karn Evil Nine; Emerson Lake & Palmer
  55. (F) "Sesame Street" theme song
  56. (L) "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock"; T.S. Eliot
  57. (F) Apocalypse Now; Francis Ford Coppola
  58. (F) Ethel the aardvark goes.....; Monty Python
  59. (F) Where the Wild Things Are; Maurice Sendak
  60. (L) Horton Hears a Who; Dr. Seuss

  61. (L) Tutor the Turtle (TV cartoon)
  62. (F) Dogg's Hamlet; Tom Stoppard
  63. (L) ad for Faberge Organic shampoo
  64. (L) No Exit; Sartre
  65. (L) Abbey Road ("Her Majesty"); The Beatles
  66. (F) Greeting card
  67. (F) The Aeneid; Virgil
  68. (F) "The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway"; Genesis
  69. (F) "You've Lost That Lovin' Feeling"; Righteous Brothers
  70. (L) dying words of the Wicked Witch of the West; "Wizard of Oz"

  71. (L) original ending to "Great Expectations"; Charles Dickens
  72. (L) Hamlet; Shakespeare
  73. (F) "A Day in the Life"; The Beatles
  74. (L) Gone With the Wind; Margaret Mitchell or Victor Fleming
  75. (F) Statement of Academic Honesty; Williams College
  76. (L) "Angie"; the Rolling Stones
  77. (L) Attack of the Killer Tomatoes
  78. (L) end sequence of "The Beverly Hillbillies"
  79. (L) Ulysses; James Joyce
  80. (L) Crime and Punishment; Dostoevsky

  81. (F) Dracula; Bram Stoker
  82. (L) newscast by Les Nessman; WKRP in Cincinnati
  83. (L) The Once and Future King; T.h. White
  84. (L) Get Back; The Beatles