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I. It's a Bird! It's a Plane! It's...... a Flying Bathtub?

Who designed and built these vehicles? (#) required # of answers.

  1. Archimedes

  2. Birdie

  3. Blackbird (3)

  4. The Bug

  5. Fantasti-Car (2)

  6. Heli-Carrier

  7. Quinjet

  8. Smartship Friday

  9. Spider-Mobile (2)

  10. Super-Mobile


With the excitement over the BATMAN movie, and reports of at least a dozen new projects including PUNISHER, SPIDER-MAN and even the Watchmen...... Please tell us all of the portrayals of these characters in Live Action Adaptations. There will be partial credit.



  3. CONAN

  4. HULK






  10. Name two actors who have starred as two different comic book characters each, with their roles, too.

III. A Rose By Any Other Name.... Would Still Leave Thorns In Your Skin-Tight Costume!

(Identify these nicknamed characters.)










  10. WEB-HEAD


Tell us who uttered these quotes.

  1. Oh, my stars and garters!

  2. By the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak!

  3. By Lenin's Ghost!

  4. It's clobberin' time!

  5. Holey moley!

  6. With great power comes great responsibility.....

  7. None are so blind as those who will not see.

  8. Great Hera!

  9. Say You! Yu").

  10. Criminals are a cowardly lot.......

  11. Up, up, and away!

  12. Flame on!

  13. I'm the best at what I do, but what I do isn't very nice.

  14. KIMOTA!

  15. Hurm.



  1. By the way, when IS Beethoven's birthday?

  2. Lucy maintains that Beethoven was nothing much. Give two of her reasons, which she uses to prove that Beethoven was not great.

  3. Charlie Brown has entered two spelling bees, but fared miserably in each. Name the word that he stumbles on in the comic strip, and in the animated movie.

  4. Charlie Brown hasn't had any better luck at the national pastime. Oddly, though his baseball team has never won a game (except by forfeit), they've been in the championship game at least four times. Naturally, Charlie manages to screw up in each. Give four ways in which he's been the goat.

  5. Charlie Brown has only gotten one trophy in his miserable life. What was it for, and (naturally) what went wrong?

  6. What's the name of the monstrous, unseen cat that lives next door to Snoopy?

  7. Snoopy has a favorite authoress, who writes a series of books about a certain type of creature. Who is she, and what specific sorts of beasts are her subjects?

  8. What does Snoopy do every Veteran's Day?

  9. Snoopy once hiked all the way to Petaluma to participate in the world wrist-wrestling championships. How did he do?

  10. Snoopy had a painting by one of the great masters, until it was destroyed by fire. He eventually replaced it with another. Which two artists did Snoopy collect?

  11. Snoopy has had three partners in doubles tennis. Name them.

  12. How does Snoopy manage to maintain his balance while sleeping on top of his doghouse?

  13. Name the five birds that make up Snoopy's nature troop.

  14. By rotating his ears at rapid speed, Snoopy is able to become a whirly-dog, with Woodstock as his pilot. According to the comic strip, where did Woodstock learn to fly a chopper?

  15. In a school pageant a few years ago, Sally was panic-stricken because she was unable to remember her one line, which was "Hark!" When she finally took the stage, what did she say?

  16. What is the brand of cereal that the "Peanuts" gang eats for breakfast?

  17. What are the maiden/married names of Linus' favorite teacher? What did he give her for a wedding present?

  18. Where do the bugs hold their World Series?

  19. That vibrato "wa-wa-wa" noise represents parents, teachers, and other adults in the TV shows. But they're not the only characters you don't get to see. Please name at least six other silent, off-stage "Peanuts" personalities.

  20. Other characters in the strip are strange in a different way. They're inanimate objects. Name at least six "characters" that have no business being alive.

  21. What are the first two lines of Snoopy's ever-unfinished novel?

  22. According to Snoopy, what two things were dogs born to do?

  23. What town does Snoopy's scruffy brother live in?

  24. Charlie Brown seems doomed to always miss kicking that football. However, once when Charlie was in the hospital, Lucy swore that she'd hold the ball steady, if only he'd get well. Well, Charlie DID recover, and Lucy gritted her teeth and kept her promise. What happened?

  25. According to the flyer in "A Charlie Brown Christmas," what is the true meaning of Christmas?

What's that?
You say these questions are too obscure?
To that, we have but one answer:

SECTION A: Batman in the Comic Books

  1. What are the real identities of the Penguin, the Riddler, Catwoman, and the Joker?

  2. What is faithful manservant Alfred's last name?

  3. What was Robin doing on his debut cover?

  4. Bob Kane is always credited as Batman's creator, but who had as much of a hand in the creation of Batman, Joker, et al, as Kane?

  5. At the end of the Riddler's first appearance, he was caught in an amusement park explosion, and hurled into the river. When Batman went to check on his riddling remains, all he found was--- what?

  6. When the Joker made his first appearance, the last panel of the story was changed at the last minute. Why?

  7. When Frank Miller handed in his original version of "Dark Knight," he had to make at least two changes involving the Joker. What were the unexpurgated fates of Robin, and the Joker?

  8. What was the name of the Batman-inspired gang that opposed the Mutants in "Dark Knight"?

  9. Who killed the first Robins' parents? Who killed the second Robin's parents?

  10. What is the ultimate secret of the Red Hood?

  11. An ubiquitous figure in the Gotham underworld is petty hood "Matches" Malone. What is Matches' special secret?

  12. What's the name of the TV talk show host who's among Joker's victims in "Dark Knight"?

  13. What's the name of that inter-dimensional ripoff of Mr. Mxyzptlk who used to pester the Dynamic Duo? What's the name of the short-lived dog partner they had?

  14. What specific mental attribute does Barbara (Batgirl) Gordon possess?

  15. What's the name of the Joker's hideout, a la the Batcave?

  16. In a memorable two-part story several years back, the Joker figured he'd get rich by chemically altering the ecology of Earth. Had the mad fiend been successful, where would you see his crazy Joker-smile?

SECTION B: The Socko TV Series!!!

Tell us the answers to these Bat-questions, if you can:

  1. What sort of protection did Batman devise, in order to avoid the ill effects of Penguin Gas?

  2. King Tut's diabolical water torture was supposed to drive the Caped Crusader bats. How did the Gotham Guardian manage to keep his sanity intact?

  3. Later, Batman appeared to have fallen under the evil influence of Tut's mind-control scarab. But it turned out he'd been faking all along. How did Batman thwart the power of the scarab?

  4. In one episode, that ho-dad Joker challenged Batman to a surfing contest. What was the final score?

  5. What writer appears in practically every Bat-episode?

  6. In December 1966, Hollywood hairstylist Jay Sebring got a little wanted publicity, by potraying Mr. "Oceanbring" on "Batman." IN August 1969, he got some more publicity that we're pretty sure he DIDN'T want. What happened to this Bat-bit player?

  7. In one episode, the Catwoman informs Batman that she's reformed, and wants to help the Caped Crusader in his fight AGAINST crime. With her inside knowledge of bad-guy-type stuff, she argues, Batman would be unstoppable. Batman is tempted, but asks Catwoman, "What about Robin?" Her answer?

SECTION C: The Colossal BAT-TV Movie!

  1. During a reflective moment, the Boy Wonder asks Batman why they had been able to run and gambol about on the docks in their bright, garish costumes (including those of the villains) without inspiring ANYONE to call for the police. How does Batman explain the down-and-outers' seeming lack of concern?

  2. Cleverly disguised as Commodore Schmidlap, the Penguin manages to get into the secret Batcave. It is there that he re-hydrates his five tubed henchmen, in the hopes of overwhelming the Dynamic Duo. However, the water he uses is unstable, and his plot is foiled. What, specifically, occurs to these unfortunate thugs?

  3. As always, the superior wiles and derring-do of Batman and Robin save the day. At the end of the movie, Batman tells the Boy Wonder that to avoid tumult, they should leave the United World Security Council meeting as inconspicuously as possible. How do they do this?

SECTION D: Bat-Miscellany

  1. Who kills Batman's parents in the comics, in the TV show, and in the movie?

BAT-CONGRATULATIONS! You've reached the Bat-conclusion!