Board Game Rules | Contest Main Page

Board Game Rules

We love games! In fact, we love games so much that we wanted to create one of our own. Of course, being the creative people that we are, we did this by taking rules from 31 different board games and putting them all together. We hope you have fun playing it. When you're done with that, tell us where each of the rules came from and we'll give you a point.

1. Only players you invite may join
Cosmic Encounter

2. Each player chooses one of the four sectors, face down, at random. Put these sectors together in any of the setups shown on the last page, depending on the number of players, and turn all the sectors over simultaneously. This is now your playing board
Wiz War

3. Be the first to find the Candy Castle at the end of the path

4. You pop only once

5. Only the Speed Limit and End of Limit Cards are played on the Speed Piles
Milles Bournes

6. There are special tokens for Mother and Father, if they want to play
Go to the Head of the Class

7. The M.C. puts the PASSED TOPIC aside, and pulls out a REPLACEMENT TOPIC which your team must play immediately. (You cannot pass a REPLACEMENT TOPIC.)

8. Each time you LAND IN OR PASS a red PAY DAY you will always collect the specified amount of your chosen profession.

9. As soon as you have the Body and Head, you can try for all the other body parts in any order you like.

10.When a player does not wish to make, or cannot make any further attacks, his turn ends and he is entitled to a Free move.

11. When all the marbles have fallen into the base, each player counts the number of marbles in his compartment.

12. A GOOD IDEA: When you're not playing with the game, store the beans in the pot so you know right where they are the next time you play.
Don't Spill the Beans