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(Redirected from AFP from a Mac (OSX))

The Apple File Protocol (AFP) is built right into Mac OS X (port 548) and provides a convenient way for mounting your WSO home directory directly to the Finder. To connect to WSO via AFP, all you need to do is go to Go menu in the Finder, select Connect to Server from the pull down menu, type in the box that pops up, and hit return. A login window will appear prompting you for your username and password. There is also an Options section that allows you to specify whether or not you want to use a secure connection. In general, you should check the box to use SSH (but see the note below). After you enter this information and hit return, your home directory will mount, and you'll be able to use it as if it were on your local filesystem.

Note: If you specify that you want to use SSH for AFP connections, OS X may give you an error and tell you that "The server 'ursula' does not support secure connections via SSH." We are aware of the issue but need to schedule some downtime to fix the problem. Until the problem is fixed, you can just click continue, provided you're okay with transmitting your information in clear text. If you're not on campus, a better option would be to use an SFTP client.