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redirect to The Mountains
#REDIRECT [[Category:TraditionThe Mountains]]We greet them with a song. From [ the Williams Web page]: :THE MOUNTAINS :O, proudly rise the monarchs of our mountain land,:With their kingly forest robes, to the sky,:Where Alma Mater dwelleth with the chosen band,:And the peaceful river floweth gently by. :CHORUS :The mountains! the mountains! we greet them with a song,:Whose echoes rebounding their woodland heights along,:Shall mingle with anthems that winds and fountains sing.:'til hill and valley gaily, gaily ring. :Beneath their peaceful shadows may old Williams stand,:'til suns and mountains nevermore shall be,:The glory and the honor of our mountain land,:And the dwelling of the gallant and the free. This was written by Washington Gladden, Williams class of 1859.