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Undeadly Ten

63 bytes removed, 16:06, April 8, 2010
Someone should refill this list with current students.
1.) [[Morgan Goodwin]]. Probably drafting a college council response to this post as we type (while skiing... naked)Lizzy Brickley.
2.) [[Kim Dacres]]. CC president, Rugby captain, Gargoyle Society, Stand With Us leader ... the list goes on.
3.... 10.)  Remembrance of Undeadly Individuals Past: [[Kim Dacres]]. CC president, Rugby captain, Gargoyle Society, Stand With Us leader ... the list goes on. [[Rahul Shah]]. On the blogs, he's like lawyers in hell: everywhere. Suffering from a severe case of logorrhea, you know him, even if it's just by that warped ostrich head. He's also incapable of
a) using the preferred spelling/punctuation of his friends' names.
b) knowing whom to trust.
He does, however, know the difference between 'who' and 'whom', unlike a certain unnamed friend.
4.) [[Ben Rudick]]. Has probably taken amazing photos of you (although possibly without your permission). Or you may just be that unattractive. To check, go to []
5.) [[Liz Hirschhorn]]. Her real name should be BooBoo/Manatee! [To those of you who wish to sign a petition requiring her to make that first name change legal, contact [ Cat Vielma]. You may see her playing volleyball, jv bball, or rucking for 80 minutes in 15 positions, but most importantly she's an ASL (american sign language) allstar. Awwwwwkward. I met her. Then I didn't die. I saw Liz Hirschhorn wearing army pants and flipflops, so I bought army pants and flipflops. (Proven true on the evening of May 18th, 2006 at Schow Atrium). Once killed a homeless person just to get an erection. FOREVER IN BLUE JEANSSS and by blue jeansss I mean grey sweats, with lots of holes
6.) [[Elissa Brown]]
7.) [[Jay Cox-Chapman]]
8[[Morgan Goodwin]]. Probably drafting a college council response to this post as we type (while skiing..)  9.naked)  10.)  Remembrance of Undeadly Individuals Past:
[[Marita]]. Head of the [[QSU]]. Don't make her kick your ass in a leather bustier and fish nets.