


1 byte added, 09:15, April 30, 2012
Article VI - Advisor
===Article VI - Advisor===
:: There will be a Williams faculty/staff advisor for IF. The advisor will be chosen from within the Chaplain’s office by the officers at the end of each academic year, in May. If the officers cannot come to a unanimous decision, a full vote of the members will be taken. Advisors serve for one year. In the event of a vacancy greater than one month, another advisor will be chosen by theusual methods.
:: This organization may select and secure an advisor from the active faculty or staff of Williams College and will register their name with Campus Life annually. The advisor will be informed of all meetings and activities of the organization and may call a special meeting of the organization to discuss concerns for the ongoing nature of the organization.
===Article VII - Meetings===
:: IF will meet approximately twice per month, or as necessary, as decided by the officers. General consensus among the officers will decide meeting dates, and any officer may then call the meeting through the listserve.