

Common courtesy

4 bytes added, 03:01, August 30, 2012
In dorms
# Make sure the toilet actually flushes when you go. It's gross to have to flush someone else's bodily functions for them.
# Put seats down on toilets after you use them- not everyone can pee standing up.
#* Point of information: humans who are not naturally blessed with cis-masculine plumbing may nonetheless enjoy a squat-free squirt by employing a [ Shewee], [ Whiz Plus], or [ LaFemme].
# If you should find yourself living in a dorm where walls/doors are thin (i.e., Morgan, other recently-renovated dorms), please refrain from flinging your door wide open and letting it SLAM! behind you, creating a deafening crash. This is highly annoying no matter what time of day it is.