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Relationships are like a giant spider-web of one-way arrows. You have interest in a few other people, they have interest in a few other people, et cetera. Even when the arrows are two-way, they may be of different thickness, since people may well like each other in different degrees. When you get a two-way arrow, the greatest common interest denominator will generally drive the relationship. In the rare relationship, these arrows are roughly identical to begin with. More often, they will differ, but still be quite workable in some form, even if the greatest common denominator of hookup and marriage is hookup.
The long term high school relation will generally fail after one or two years. However, this will put you in a better position than all those of your classmates who immediately got wifed with some upperclassman/entry mate within the first semester because you'll have much better friends. Don't date someone at home while Regardless of who you're abroaddating, the results will be <i>disastrous</i>. Even if youdon're happy at school, leave it while you're away and come back when you returnt ignore your friends for your relationship.
On that note, don't feel obligated to actually be in a relationship while here. While some people feel the need to "pretend" to be happy being single, it really does provide freedom and entertainment for extended periods of time.