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Register to vote in the upcoming election!

Voter registration takes place on a local level. Each state has its own form. In order to get a ballot in your SU Box, you will need to complete two tasks: registering to vote and requesting an absentee or mail-in ballot. Registering is not enough!

Follow the state-specific directions. In every case, you will have to fill out and mail in a form. Adobe Acrobat (installed on all college computers) is required to open most of them. The Office of Community Service will pay for postage – please drop off fully and properly addressed envelopes at Siskind House (in the quad behind Schow), and we’ll put it in the mail. However, we are not responsible for the consequences if the form has been improperly filled out or the envelope incorrectly addressed. Please check that your form is complete BEFORE you send it or drop it off in Siskind.

Some states require you to request an application for absentee balloting. In this case, you will fill out the form, send it in (either physically or electronically), receive the application, fill it out, and mail it back in. You must follow this procedure in order to receive your absentee ballot.

Most forms will go to a county election office. The lists of the office addresses are included with the instructions. To determine your county, go to http://fvap.gov/links/county.html . Most of them also have telephone numbers to allow you to check on the processing of your forms. If not, contact your Secretary of State at the office telephone number .

If you need to find a notary public, contact the the Williamstown Town Clerk/Registrar of Voters at 458-9341.

State-specific info coming soon...