

Ubuntu Linux

1,959 bytes added, 17:01, January 1, 2008
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Ubuntu Course Description:
Are you interested in trying out an Operating System other than Windows and OSX? Try Ubuntu Linux. It gets the good from Windows and OSX and leaves out the bad. Like them, Ubuntu is elegant and easy to use. Any windows / OSX user can learn the Ubuntu interface immediately. Unlike them, Ubuntu is both free of viruses and free of charge. If you want to have Ubuntu on your computer, come and join us this winter study. With a few meetings, we will help you set up Ubuntu on your computer, explore the amazing features it has to offer, and introduce the support community on the web in case you need assistance in the future.

We are planning on three meetings, once a week. Exact classes times will be provided shortly after winter study starts.

Class 1: Introduction
- Ubuntu installation
- Connecting to the internet (wired, wireless)
- A tour of the applications that Ubuntu provides

Class 2: Applications
- Customizing the Ubuntu desktop
- Playing multimedia files
- Setting up Thunderbird for webmail
- Installing applications with synaptic

Class 3: Terminal
- Introduction of the terminal
- A few commands (ls, cd, mv, find, grep, cp, scp, sudo, less, emacs)
- Ubuntu's directory structure

These two meetings are optional.

Class 4: Further Instructions on the Terminal
- Exercise: Installing applications with apt-get
- Exercise: Installing applications by downloading and compiling source code

Class 5: The Ubuntu Community
- Googling for answers
- Posting your question on the Ubuntu forum
- Getting rid of Ubuntu

No prior knowledge in computer science or programming is required. In installing Ubuntu, you can retain your original operating system by setting up a dual-boot option, so don't worry about losing what you already have. Laptops and desktops are equally welcome.