

Easy Ways to Make Williams Kids Laugh!

581 bytes added, 18:07, September 26, 2008
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People love this shit! It was funny in middle school, it was hilarious in high school, and it only gets better in college! If you want a real gut-buster, pretend to have a really strong opinion about which group would beat the other in a fight. Be prepared to back up your position with made-up facts about how awesome ninjas/pirates are, as other comedians may be lurking at the party as well, ready to disagree fervently with your contrived opinion!
2. Work on Your Borat Impression
People love this shit! After the success of Sacha Baron Cohen's 2006 film centered on his Kazakh character Borat, anyone who can do a poor impersonation of a vaguely foreign person can do a GREAT Borat Impression! A good Borat Impression will be like a fine wine-- full of many different "accents" that change each time it is sampled. A finely tuned Borat impressions should include at least a flavoring of each the following "accents": German, Russian, French, Dutch, Iraqi, with hints of both Japanese and Irish. You get bonus points for giving the thumbs up a lot and saying "Great Success".
3. Use the Word "Bro" a Lot
People love this shit! Have you seen "Bro Rape" on YouTube? You HAVEN'T?! Well you don't really need to. All you need to do is pepper your conversations with the word "bro" and people will you think you are making a well-crafted allusion to the ubiquitous Bro Rape video. Make sure people know that you are kidding, and not from the West Coast. Even jokes that seemed off-limits before because they were homophobic will seem only VAGUELY homophobic and TOTALLY ironic if you insert the word "Bro" somewhere in there.
4. Ironically Sing Bad Songs Without Musical Accompaniment
Haha, wowzers! Remember that song "Candy Shop" by 50 Cent? Wasn't it terrible? But remember how much everybody loved to dance to it anyways because it has that easy beat and the lyrics are sooooooo ironically great as sexual euphemisms? Too bad. That shit is played. But you know what isn't overdone? Singing it "A Capella," meaning "in matching shirts". Boy, people sure will think it's funny! Oh my God, what about "Umbrella", but if only MEN sing it! Oh lordy, I can't breathe.
5. Teach Someone The Soulja Boy Dance
6. Post on WSO
Why squander a rare moment of comic brilliance on a small gathering of friends who are already familiar with your comedic repertoire? Post it on WSO so it may be recorded for posterity and all 2000 of your fellow students may discuss your subtle wit and biting turns of phrase until well after you've graduated!
7. Make Satirical Entries on Willipedia
Nothing gives you street cred like making fun of other people on Willipedia. Make sure you constantly refresh to see how many people have looked at your insightful genius. Totally hilarious and ironic.
This is certainly not an exhaustive list. If anyone has any more awesome tips, by all means, add your advice!