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Latest revision as of 19:49, September 4, 2009

Who has not, in the course of his travels, come across some great wheel of Gruyere, or a scrumptious block of green tinged Gorgonzola, and following the glorious encounter, felt a great stirring within them, a great hunger and inspiration that can be satisfied only by the finest dairy products? Anyone who has seen the glory of cheese and started down this path dreams of access to large varieties of exotic cheeses that inspire their tongues and their minds alike. Thus we have convened, and decided that the best course of action would be to promote the appreciation of cheeses to all members of the Williams community. Please join us, that we may bring once again the glory that is cheese to Williams. It is not chance. It is destiny.

The Society of Connoisseurs of Fine Cheeses was passed into new hands at the end of the 2008-2009 academic year. We will have several cheese events this fall. Details will be posted on the Facebook group once we decide on locations and dates for our free cheese tastings.

  • Links

www.cheese.com wikipedia.org/wiki/cheese