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Ted Wiles

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Theodore S. Roosevelt Wiles
==Theodore S. Roosevelt Wiles==
Ted (center), in his salad days playing for the pop-punk band [ Relient K]
Born c. 1920, Theodore S. Roosevelt Wiles is both the question and its answer, thesis and antithesis. He is a paradox of time and energy. Explanations of his existence were the impetus for the development of both relativity and later quantum field theory in 20th century physics. After conquering the power of zero point energy, Theodore traveled back in time and made love to a woman. Three months later that woman gave birth to a 14 lbs son, Theodore S. Roosevelt Wiles. The year was 1920.
Theodore's brand of TV includes sheer cliff climbs, wading massive rapids, and even wrapping his urine-soaked t-shirt around his head to help stave off the desert heat. Ted has eaten snakes, eaten raw fish with the comment "I love sushi!", rubbed ice on his body to warm up after jumping into an icy lake, squeezed elephant dung into his mouth for water, ripped raw chunks of meat off a dead zebra with his teeth, drank his own urine, and spent hours constructing a bamboo bridge in attempt to cross a river. Intermittently, Dumptruck Wiles also regales the viewer with tales of other adventurers stranded in the wilderness. These stories inevitably end in one of two ways: someone gets "lucky" and survives or someone struggles to remain alive for weeks on end but eventually dies.
Ted made his first film / television appearance on the longest running TV game show, Family Feud, in 1983 which was directed by [[Paul Alter]]. Since then he has been the notable star of two short films. The first, "Weight," by D.R. Samuels is a haunting tale of a man who is ghosted by the memory of his girlfriend. Ted beautifully captures the longing of the primary character, "Ted." In the second short film, "Procrastination," by Toby Funke Hall, Ted plays the role of the wisealeck Cook. He keenly renders his pork-chop grilling characters' sharp insights on the world of the main character, Toby Hall, and his relationship with Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare.
Theodore played chess once...and chess lost.
S4tchM4nsN4tch, Theodore's hacker pseudonym, is widely considered responsible for the DDOS attack on in December of 2007. It is rumored the attack came after a script kiddy, B1bby, posted an alleged 'shop' of Theodore fellating the Pope. Ted is neither religious or Catholic. His vegenance, however, is swift and just.
Ted beats Amherst in a google fight:
During the 1980-81 season, Teddy was a statless wonder for the Des Moines Buccaneers of the USHL, but decided to move on to a career in basketball a few years later.
In the mid 1990's Ted Wiles was briefly both the capitol of Ecuador and the constitution of Myanmar. However he was removed from both these positions when scientists realized that his power had grown so great that it was forming a giant "cosmic vortex" capable of creating black holes and tearing the very fabric of space-time itself. Before leaving the earth, Ted farted in an old abandoned warehouse near Geneva, Switzerland. He now spends his time roaming the Galaxy and feeding on planets. He appeared briefly in the 1985 movie "Transformers:The Movie" as Omnicron, voiced by Orson Welles.
The Jacobian of Ted's life has non-zero imaginary eigenvalues. When he sleeps his dreams are Hopf bifurcations. He is everywhere differentiable.
When Ted was named the MVP of Super Bowls I-XLIII, Disney World came to him and rode even single one of his rides. They attempted to stage a parade in his honor, but he politely responded that that was pussy shit and that he would be busy wizarding Cinderella's G on top of Spaceship earth.
Known Aliases: Ted, The Ted, Teddy, Mr. Ted, Sam Bowie, T. Fagles, T. Feagles, Horsepiss Wiles, Steve Perry, Dumptruck, Dumptruck Wiles
Anonymous user