

Hank Gerard the "Not-Cardinal" Tojman

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Hank Gerrard the "Not-Cardinal" Tojman is the alter-ego (or alter egos) or [[Paul N. Stansifer '07]].
In the fall of 2004, Paul was told to introduce himself by someone who had mentioned that he would "forget all of your names anyhow". He introduced himself as "Hank". [[Rachel S. Selinsky '06]] knew "Hank" was not Paul's actual name, but is horrible with names and could not remember his real name. So she called him Hank. Thus a legend was born. Some continued to call him "Hank" after she reluctantly learned his real name because it was funny; others, because they were confused. Nevertheless, the name "Hank" had a sort of sticking power, a life of its own, and would not be lived down.
[[Sean A. Carollo '07]] provided Hank with a new middle and last name, and later, christened him the Not-Cardinal, under [[Katherine L. Dieber '07]], the current then-[[Not-Pope]] of WARP. The contract was signed on a Driscoll napkin by multiple witnesses.