

Williams College Law Journal

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The Williams College Law Journal (WCLJ), the publication of the Williams College Law Society, is devoted to the scholarly discussion of legal subjects and is edited and produced by students at Williams Collegeissues related to justice.
The founder WCLJ is currently accepting papers for its forthcoming issues. Students can submit essays covering a wide range of topics, not only dealing with recent cases and legislation, but also examining such topics as legal theory, legal history, public policy, and Editor-issues related to legal/social justice. Papers written by students for academic courses are welcome, as is work specifically written for publication in-Chief is Jessica de la Cuesta (jnd1)the journal. If you have anything you feel contributes to the field, the journal welcomes your submission.
Recently founded in April 2011, the purpose of the Law Journal is to encourage and provide an outlet for undergraduates with an interest in the field of law so that they have the opportunity to present a tangible result of their hard work, either as contributors to, or editors of the journal. The journal also aims to educate Williams students interested in pursuing law after college by exposing them to legal professionals and professors. Undergraduates from not only Williams, but also colleges and universities across the country will be encouraged to publish their research and work in law and the liberal arts.
The WCLJ has five sections: U.S. Law, International Law, Interviews, Law Schools and Internships, and Book & Film Reviews. The journal will be published 2-3 times per academic year. The WCLJ is accepting papers year-round for forthcoming issues. Submissions will be considered within 2-3 weeks of receipt and chosen for successive issues based on publication deadlines. Papers written by students for classes are welcome as is work specifically written for publication in the journal.  Students can submit essays covering a wide range of topics, not only dealing with recent cases and legislation, but also examining such topics as legal philosophy, legal history, and public policy. If you have anything you feel contributes to the field, the journal welcomes the submission.  You can submit your essay or article at  For more info, visit our website: or check us out on Facebook: