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Stuff WSO Definitely Should Do

274 bytes added, May 13
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[[Category:To-Dos]] [[Category:WSO]]
Have an unsolicited feature request? This is the place! Also perhaps a good place to discuss how changes should be implemented and whether they are a good idea.
# Google-esque theme changes on holidays?
# WSO Hot Or Not?
#*Unlikely that we would be allowed to run an objectifying site feature.
# Add a Daily Advisor feed.
# The WSO Student Homepages link is buggy on both IE and Mozilla Firefox. It repeats people several hundred times.
#* Not only that, the data is terrible. People were entering in their favorite web sites, instead of their personal web sites. The replacement is [[Students with web presences]].
# Fix the facebook
#* WSO rolled out a beta version of a new AJAX based facebook at the end of Winter Study 2007. New features will be added throughout the term.
#*Um, no.
#*but this is actually an easy fix...
#*Not gonna happen.