

Queer Student Union

1,218 bytes added, May 13
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| meeting-place = Hardy House (Morely Circle)
| office = n/a
| contact-name = Gabrielle Joffe (gmj1) and Mike Semensi (ms2)
| contact-unix =
| wso-listserver = QSU
'''Meetings are Tuesday nights at 8 P. M. in Hardy House. All are welcome, and there are frequently snacks.'''
The current 2010-2011 board consists of Michael Semensi '12 and Gabrielle Joffe '11 (co-chairs), Carrie Tribble '13 (MinCo Rep), Veronica Rabelo '11 (Treasurer), Rhianna Alyxander '13 and Kate Flanagan '14 (Co-Social Coordinators), Jonathan Schmeling '12 (Publicity Coordinator), Christopher Holland '11 (Political Education Coordinator), Rachel Nguyen '14 (First-year Rep.), Gulya Radjapova '14 (Secretary).
Check out their [ website] under the Multicultural Center and their independent [ website] for all things LGBTQ related on campus.
==Mission Statement==
The '''The Queer Student Union''' is a group of students who share a common interest in cultivating, nurturing, and enriching the queer experience at Williams College. We are advocates for queer perspectives and we work to ensure that the presence and voices of queer students are recognized and respected by college administration, student body at -large, and larger WilliamsCollege community. Through our active presence and involvement on campus, the QSU hopes to confront homophobia, biphobia, transphobia, and heterosexism while seeking to understand and address how these interlink with sexism, racism, and classism to perpetuate oppression.
With these goals in mind the Queer Student Union endeavours endeavors to serve a wide variety of functions socially, intellectually, and politically:
'''Socially,''' , we organize to create common bonds through conversations, social events, and explorations of queer cultures. '''Intellectually,''' we serve as a source of information and provide and safe medium for academic discourse, personal reflection, and artistic (re)presentation of queerness and our other intersecting identities. '''Politically,''' as activists, we work to transform our greater community while recognizing that our goals require a continued process of understanding and addressing all forms of oppression. Gender and sexuality are mobilized in different ways along with race, ethnicity, class, age, and ability in order to privilege some bodies, voices, and actions over others, effectively speaking and acting for others before they do so for themselves.
''Intellectually'', we serve as a source of information and provide a safe medium for academic discourse, personal reflection, and artistic (re)presentation of queerness and our other intersecting identities. ''Politically'', as activists, we work to transform our campus and greater community while recognizing that our goals require a continued process of understanding and addressing all forms of oppression, acknowledging gender and sexuality are mobilized in different ways along with race, ethnicity, class, age, and ability in order to privilege some bodies, voices, and actions over others. We work collaboratively with other organizations and institutions, both on and off the Williams College campus, to create safe as well as transformative spaces at Williams for our LGBTQQAAI peers and to serve as a resource for all members of our community who wish to question thoughtfully the ways in which genders and sexualities affect and inform our lives and society.
==Important Dates==
*April: Queer Pride Days
== Other LGBTQIAA LGBTQQIAA Student Resources ==
===The Gender and Sexuality Resource Center===
'''October, 1994:''' A homophobic and physically threatening letter is submitted to the Daily Advisor. The Dean's office notifies and denounces the incident in a letter to the William's community.
'''Spring 1999:''' Bert Leatherman (openly gay and also a Bible study leader in the Williams Christian Fellowship) is elected College Council co-president.
'''January, 2000:''' Queer Life Coordinator, Stephen Collingsworth, is appointed to a permanent position in the MCC staff.
'''Spring 2010''' Organized the 1st annual New England Small College Queer Summit
'''April 2010:''' Bert Leatherman ’00 named Outstanding Queer Alum
'''August 2010:''' GSRC moves into Jenness House.
'''August 2010:''' Gender inclusive housing begins for sophomores – seniors.
'''November 2010:''' Dan Savage speaks in Chapin Hall.
'''September 2010:''' Justin Adkins named Assistant Director of the Multicultural center, with a focus on gender, sexuality and activism (a full-time position).
'''April 2011:''' Dr. Lisa Capaldini ’78 named Outstanding Queer Alum
'''April 2012:''' John Malcolm ’86 named Outstanding Queer Alum
'''April 2012:''' Performance artist Jiz Lee speaks at Williams as part of the Dively Committee 25 anniversary and draws controversy.
'''April 2012:''' Dively Committee 25th anniversary celebration
'''April 2013:''' Carina Vance Mafla ’99 named Outstanding Queer Alum
'''May 2013:''' Worlds of Wonder conference celebrating the queerness of childhood. Organized by Assistant Professor of History Anna Fishzon
'''April 2014:''' Angela Davis speaks in Chapin Hall.
== LGBTQIAA Terminology ==
'''Cross-Hormonal Therapy:''' the use of testosterone (FTM) or estrogen (MTF) to biologically produce secondary physical characteristics.
'''Aromantic:''' Typically refers to a person who experiences little to no romantic attraction. Also known as "aro" for short.
'''Asexual:''' Typically refers to a person who experiences little to no sexual attraction. Also known as "ace" for short.
'''Aroace:''' Typically refers to a person who experiences little to no sexual attraction and little to no romantic attraction.