Harrison Morgan Brown Pre-Medical Society

Revision as of 02:34, December 9, 2024 by Ahm2 (talk | contribs) (I have never heard of this before; is this now the pre-med society?)
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The Harrison Morgan Brown Premedical Society, named after the first African-American Williams alumnus to receive an M.D., was originally an organization for supporting black premed students. In recent years, the Society has broadened its focus, to promote campus dialogue on a broad range of issues relating to health and the profession of medicine. Our organization is open to anyone (even non-premeds) who has an interest in health care.

We believe that medicine is an "art" as well as a science, and our goal is to supplement the traditional science-oriented premedical curriculum with discussions about the social, ethical, and personal contexts in which health care is practiced. We host lectures, facilitate a class during Winter Study, and participate in the annual Art & The Calling medical conference, held in Williamstown. Our past speakers have included distinguished professors at Harvard and Yale medical schools, doctors who provide healthcare to the poor in urban areas, and Dr. Patch Adams, an M.D. / professional clown who is building America's first "funny hospital."

Current officers for the academic year 2009-2010: Co-presidents: Daniel Tao 10dyt Tarjinder Singh ts4 Social Events Coordinator: Andrea St. Cyr ags2 Treasurer: Heather Burrell hab1

For more information, contact any of the above individuals. The HMB society will be sponsoring events throughout the year on various medically related topics, all are welcome! Visit our new website at [www.hmbpremeds.wordpress.com]