Organic food

Revision as of 10:07, October 16, 2005 by (talk) (Restaurants That Serve Organic Food)

Places To Buy Organic Food

  • Williamstown Farmers' Market every Saturday morn to early afternoon at the end of spring st.
  • Caretaker Farm, Community Supported Agriculture, Sam and Elizabeth Smith,

1210 Hancock Rd., Williamstown, MA (413)-458-4309, located just under a half mile from the Five Corners Intersection which is marked by a blinking yellow light at the intersection of Rte. 7 and Rte. 43 near Williamstown

Caretaker Farm has been operating as an organic vegetable farm for over 35 years. The 35 acre family farm has 16-24 acres in pasture, 7 acres in planned stages of vegetable production, with 3 and 1/2 planted and the remainder at rest or in rotation. Caretaker Farm is now and has been a Community Supported Agriculture Farm (CSA) for the last decade. It has 215 CSA members or sharers who purchase a share in the annual harvest of mostly vegetables, with some small fruits and flowers. The Smiths are currently integrating animals for farm fertility and pasture and weed management, with sheep, lambs, pigs, heifers, chickens, and a cow and calf. Future plans are to market beef and lamb to farm members/sharers. They are also pioneering solar powered electric fencing, livestock feeders and will eventually install a rooftop PV for providing barn lighting and vegetable refrigeration. (

  • Wild Oats Market

Right off of Rt. 2, near Chopsticks, on the same side. New location; note that this is part of a co-op and not affiliated with the national Wild Oats Market chain. Pretty reasonable prices, good selection, almost all organic.

  • Stop and Shop

Don't scoff. Knowing their target audience, the Stop and Shop on Rt. 2 also stocks a good amount of organic food.

Restaurants That Serve Organic Food

Visit: This is more of a guide to buying local, but much of the food is organic and if not spray free, bon provecho!