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The Aristocows are Williams' one-and-only Disney a cappella group. Yes, their repertoire consists entirely of Disney songs. This is usually limited to songs featured in Disney films, but songs featured in other Disney media, such as Simple and Clean from the video game Kingdom Hearts, have also been utilized.

The co-ed group was conceived in spring 2010 by fearless leader Rachel Durrant '13 and held its first concert in spring 2011. The Aristocows are the only Williams a cappella group that does not hold auditions for membership. Instead, any member of the student body may join, regardless of singing ability, provided he or she will commit to the group. As a result, the group is the largest among a cappella groups, sporting 17 members in spring 2012, many of whom were members of the Class of 2015.

The Aristocows hold only one concert a semester, but they are known for performing in other events, and often unannounced. First and foremost, their goal is to have fun. For Winter Study 2012, they played a Star Wars-related take of Humans vs. Zombies called Jedi vs. Sith, devised and moderated by Allan Gonzalez '12, in order to further group bonding. Hence, they ran around campus with lightsabers for a month.

If you would like to find out more about the Aristocows, feel free to contact senior music director Joe Iafrate '14 (jri1) or junior music director Lillian Ma '15 (lm4).