Students, alumni, and faculty at Williams college are issued a Unix ID by the Office for Information Technology. The Unix ID is a person's unique and concise login name used to access services such as:
- Novell NetWare
- Blackboard
- Unix
- Willipedia
- the WSO site
- Daily Messages
- pretty much everything that's not PeopleSoft
An undergraduate's Unix ID begins with the last two digits of his graduation year, followed by his initials, and possibly ending in _2 or _3 if several people have the same graduation year and initials. Faculty Unix IDs are the first letter of the first name followed by up to 7 letters of the surname. Graduate students' Unix IDs begin with "g", followed by the last two digits of the graduation year, followed by the initials. Students in the Williams-Mystic Program have Unix IDs that begin with "wm" followed by the student's initials, but this ID is literaly never used.