- Chinese Table - come speak mandarin chinese. Greylock, Wilson room, 5:30 pm.
- The Williams College Green Party meets at 9:00 pm in Griffin 3 or thereabouts.
- Greensense meets 9 PM in Kellogg.
- Jesse Levitt and Alan Cordova work in the observatory and email people if it's clear out. Sign up for emails!
- The Roosevelt Institution meets in Paresky at 8.
- The Women's Center meets at 9 pm in Hardy House
- WSO meets at 9:30 pm in TCL 216 or thereabouts. (As of October 2007)
- Russkii Stol meets at noon in the Greylock Makepeace Room.
- College Council meets at 7:30 in Hopkins basement.
- Dinner Discussions/other events, most weeks at the JRC at 6:30 pm.
- Lehman Community Service Council meets at 9:30 PM in the Siskind Living Room.
- Record writers and editors meet at 6:30 pm in the Record office. Also, the paper comes out early Wednesday morning and is available all across campus.
- Gymnastics practices at Gym Source in Pittsfield, leaving Chapin steps at 7:30 pm and returning at 10:30 pm.
- Ace Stressbusters in Paresky at 8.
- QSU Meetings are held in Hardy House at 9PM
- WOC meets at 7 in Paresky 220
- Lit Review meets from 7-9 in Paresky.
- Polar bear swim in the Green River, expedition departs from Paresky at 10PM.
- Spanish Table 12pm in the Wilson Room at Greylock.
- Students for Social Justice meetings in Kellogg House (CES) 9-10PM (email 06kmm to get on the listserv)
- College Bowl meets at 8:00 pm somewhere in Hopkins Basement. No experience required. Kind of like Jeopardy, but sillier.
- Friday Night Fellowship - Williams Christian Fellowship meets at 6:00PM, usually in Griffin 3 (look out for posters or e-mails for alternate events). All are welcome.
- Deutscher Tisch mittags im Wilson-Zimmer des Greylock Dining Halls. Komm doch mal, wenn du Deutsch sprichst!
- Rape and Sexual Assault Network (RASAN) meets in Hardy House at 7pm.
- Student Global AIDS Campaign (SGAC) meets at 8 pm in CES livingroom. All are welcome.
- The Debate Team has its weekly meeting in the afternoon or early evening at Paresky's Henze Lounge.