The Williams College Chess Club meets on Tuesday evenings from 8 to 10 PM in the Science Atrium when classes are in session.
Club activities include:
- informal chess
- competing with local clubs
- competing in local USCF rated tournaments
- hosting a USCF rated tournament in the winter
- teaching chess at Williamstown Elementary School and at Milne Public Library
- supporting the occasional Winter Study course on chess
- teaching a Free University course on chess in January
The listserv for chess announcements is
Current club officers are:
President: Tanvir Hussain
Treasurer: Kevin He
Adviser: Trevor Murphy
Grand Master Simul 1/13/07
Grand Master Ronen Har-Zvi won 22 games and lost none in Griffin 3 after giving a lecture analyzing two games.
Williams College Open 1/6/07
20 people played in the USCF rated 3 round game in 90 tournament.
Grand Master Ronen Har-Zvi and Dallas Hull of Pittsfield were undefeated.