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The nice people in Security have their offices in the basement of Hopkins Hall. They are open 24/7.

Good cop

  1. Unlock your room when you lock yourself out for the bargain price of only $5 (the first one each year is free)
  2. Give your guest permission to park in Lower Mission, if you fill out the form
  3. Agree to competitive bowling matches with students
  4. Give out phone numbers at night when 3131 is unavailable
  5. Pay students to read magazines at the table outside the office
  6. Engrave your "high-dollar-value items" for free
  7. Give you a new ID card for the bargain price of only $10 when you lose yours

Bad cop

  1. Ticket cars that are parked in convenient locations
  2. Kick people out of the library 15 minutes before it's supposed to close
  3. Perform occasional sweeps of dorms for party violations. Without a called in complaint this is rare, but a near-guarantee during First Days, Preview Weekend, and other times when parties are regulated or forbidden.

See also