- Chinese Table - come speak mandarin chinese. Greylock, Wilson room, 5:30 pm.
- The Williams College Green Party meets at 9:00 pm in Griffin 3 or thereabouts.
- Greensense meets 9 PM in Kellogg.
- Jesse Levitt and Alan Cordova work in the observatory and email people if it's clear out. Sign up for emails!
- WSO meets at 9:30 pm in TCL 216 or thereabouts. (As of October 2007)
- The Women's Center meets at 9 pm in Hardy House
- Russkii Stol meets at noon in the Greylock Makepeace Room.
- College Council meets at 7:30 in Hopkins basement.
- Dinner Discussions/other events, most weeks at the JRC at 6:30 pm.
- Lehman Community Service Council meets at 9:30 PM in the Siskind Living Room.
- Record writers and editors meet at 6:30 pm in the Record office (the old american legion building) at the end of Spring St. across from Where'd You Get That?!. Also, the paper comes out early Wednesday morning and is available all across campus.
- Gymnastics practices at Gym Source in Pittsfield, leaving Chapin steps at 7:30 pm and returning at 10:30 pm.
- Ace Stressbusters in Goodrich.
- QSU Meetings are held in Hardy House at 9PM
- WOC meets at 7 in Paresky 220
- Lit Review meets from 7-9 in Paresky.
- Polar bear swim in the Green River, expedition departs from Paresky at 10PM.
- Spanish Table 12pm in the Wilson Room at Greylock.
- Students for Social Justice meetings in Kellogg House (CES) 9-10PM (email 06kmm to get on the listserv)
- College Bowl meets at 8:00 pm somewhere in Hopkins Basement. No experience required. Kind of like Jeopardy, but sillier.
- Friday Night Fellowship - Williams Christian Fellowship meets at 6:00PM, usually in Griffin 3 (look out for posters or e-mails for alternate events). All are welcome.
- Deutscher Tisch mittags im Wilson-Zimmer des Greylock Dining Halls. Komm doch mal, wenn du Deutsch sprichst!
- Rape and Sexual Assault Network (RASAN) meets in Hardy House at 7pm.
- Student Global AIDS Campaign (SGAC) meets at 8 pm in CES livingroom. All are welcome.
- The Debate Team has its weekly meeting in the afternoon or early evening at Paresky's Henze Lounge.