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College Council Self-Noms 2011 Spring Election
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Jason Briggs
Hi I’m Jason Briggs and I am running for Armstrong Rep. I’ll keep it nice and short and not promise anything I can’t actually provide. - Armstrong Barbeques Working with Dining Services I will organize Armstrong Barbeques, where anyone from Armstrong can come to chill out, bond, and have some burgers. -Pong Tables Coming from an entry that has a pretty legit pong table, I feel that any entry that wants their own table should be able to have one. -Inter-Armstrong Olympics I want to organize possibly the first Inter-Armstrong Olympics in an attempt to have some fun and discover who the true champions of Armstrong are. This will consist of various activities including sports, academics, video games, and whatever else people suggest. -Anything Else You Want I’ll get a Facebook page up and running, ready for any suggestions or comments that will help make Armstrong better for you. Thanks, Jason Briggs
Charlotte Dillon
My name is Charlotte Dillon (’14), and I’m running for Armstrong’s first-year representative. In my senior year of high school, I was the secretary of the Student Council, and treasurer for my youth group. I also did one year of Model UN and four years of mock trial. I’m running because I really love Williams, and I want to make sure everyone has a positive experience here. As a representative, I would focus on communicating with students in Armstrong, to make everyone feel involved in College Council. I’m in the acapella group Good Question, and this semester, I’m hoping to join the Acoustic Alliance. As a musician, I’d love to see more live music on campus. If I were elected, I would try to bring more concerts to campus, even if that just means student performances. I think everyone really enjoys hearing their friends and classmates perform, and College Council could create more venues for them to do so. I would also like to publish information about how the dining system works. Since the changes were made to late night and snack bar, a lot of students are still unclear about the point system, and the Williams Dining website is not very specific. Students should know where and when they can spend their points, and not worry about running out of meals. I’ve also heard many students complain about Lasell’s hours. It is often too crowded around 4 pm, since that’s the only time many people can go. I’d like to have the gym open later on weeknights (perhaps until 11:30) and earlier in the morning on Sundays (around 11). One of my greatest hopes as representative would be to help preserve the entry and JA system. The criticisms President Falk and others have with the entry system are valid, and should not be ignored. One way I think College Council can improve the system is by suggesting that JA’s are trained in academic advisory. As of now, JA’s don’t receive training on how to help freshmen who are struggling in their classes. Incoming freshmen are often not accustomed to the workload at Williams, and my JA’s have been crucial in helping me find extra help when I needed it. At the beginning of the year, they showed me where the MSRC is, where the study carrels are, and how to get a tutor on PeopleSoft. JA’s already play the crucial role of academic advisor, but formal training would help convince President Falk that JA’s are an integral part of Williams. I would really love to work on these ideas and more in College Council this spring.
Anshita Khandelwal
Hi! I am Anshita Khandelwal and I am running for reelection as the Armstrong Hall Representative on College Council this spring. Foremost, I would like to thank you for giving me a chance to bring your ideas to CC last semester and successfully realizing them. The most popular constituent requests were regarding the variety of food at Late Night and I worked to address the variety of issues ranging from changing the brand of hummus to starting egg options at night. Another demand for hot water in Mission Lobby is being worked on. But besides these, I really loved hearing your opinions on how to improve the overall Williams community whether it was through the list-serve or in person. I enjoyed my time so much that I would love to continue to be your direct voice on CC! Last semester, I worked on a lot of things of which some are: • Finance Committee – Attended the Milkman concert? Is your club applying for an alternate spring break trip? Went for the performance by HerStory on Claiming Williams Day? We fund clubs, groups and events and if you have a good idea, we make sure that you have the money for it. • Transfer experience– Co-authored a resolution to improve transfer students’ experience by looking into academic advising, housing and a newly designed orientation program. • Community ideals– Surveyed students about what values they think Williams stands for and will be putting up permanent art installations to reflect the thoughts of the community. • Peer Tutor program– Chaired a committee to improve the existing Peer Tutor program by including feedback questionnaires to be handed out to tutees about their tutors. • “Superfan†resolution– Making home sport games a “Superfan†event by giving away free Williams apparel, having fun games for the audience during half-time breaks, and having acapella or dance performances. • September funding– Helped change the College Council by-laws so that individuals/ groups can organize more events during the first month of school when funding is limited. Some of the new projects that I want to pursue are: • More transportation options– Working with Enterprise to make car rentals more accessible • Housing option during breaks– Especially for internationals and those far from home. • Restructuring International student and First Generation students orientation– Including more social activities so that there are real bonding opportunities. • Updating Willipedia–Can be a great source of information to incoming freshmen and the rest of the campus once updated and fully operational. • Book grant to cover Winter Study textbooks for Financial Aid students– Doesn’t cover currently. • Entry siblings–Assign a Mission entry as a “sibling†entry to a Frosh Quad entry so that those entries across campus can interact more. • Course overenrollment problem–Address this problem faced by all of us. I would love to hear your thoughts on these ideas and any other suggestions that you have. I would love your support for another term as your representative! Thank you!
Will Edwards-Mizel ‘14
After spending a semester and a bit with our class, I’ve come to the realization that we are pretty awesome. I have two goals I’d like to accomplish as Willy’s representative. The first is for us to spend more time together. Remember First Days? Let’s have more of those, minus the awkward introductions. We’re almost a quarter of the way through Williams, and the more of you I meet the more of you I want to meet. And it seems most people feel the same way. (Read parties.) I’d like to see the Frosh Quad tent party come back, as well as some sort of freshman formal. That’s what I want, but I’ll work as hard as I possibly can to get you what you want. I’ll start by having a meeting with anyone who wants to and get your ideas on the table. I’ll spend the next semester doing that and only that. In terms of qualifications, I was on student council in fourth grade. If you actually care about my qualifications, have any other questions or just want to hang out, feel free to stop by Willy D and say hi.
Taylor Foehl
My name is Taylor Foehl and I am running for College Council Representative of Williams Hall. I am a member of the class of 2014, live in the great Willy E, and am committed to making our home and community a better place. I have wandered around Willy asking residents what change they would like to see at our college, and most say they haven’t been on campus long enough to find serious flaws. I am confident that over the course of the year, however, we will find problems with our college, and I am open to working towards a solution on any issue, no matter how big or small. I am born from two Williams parents and have bled purple and gold all my life. Attending Williams this year has been a dream come true. I am passionate about this amazing place and am committed to improving it in any way I can. My name is Taylor Foehl and I am running for College Council representative of Williams Hall.
Carson Eisenach
I live in MD1, am from central New Jersey, play water polo, and above all love Williams: which is why I am running for the position of Dennett House Representative. As Dennett House Representative my main goal would be to, as the position name suggests, represent my fellow residents in Dennett House. As your representative I will keep you apprised of what goes on at college council meetings and projects I am involved in, present your ideas at college council meetings, and provide means for you to talk to me about any concerns or opinions you have on what I should be doing as your representative. Projects I find to be of special importance, and which I plan to pursue include the re-creation of a frosh council to provide social programming for freshman, publication of the college council budget, and tackling the issue of students being dropped from classes of their choice at such a high rate. The creation of a Frosh Council would greatly improve the social life for freshman. Currently, big freshman parties happen infrequently if at all. The parties recently held by M4 are a great example of what is possible. Not only are they fun, but they provide a great way to socialize with fellow classmates in a non-academic setting. Without a frosh council to help organize and fund such events, they are unlikely to continue due to the costs associated with hosting an event of that magnitude. Right now, College Council does not publish its annual budget. Why? Who knows, but there could be a whole host of reasons for the secrecy. Though College Council claims to be transparent, and has to some extent accomplished this goal through the creation of their new website and through monthly emails from If and Manny, how can it truly be transparent if it does not publicly release its budget? Most of CC’s power comes stems its ability to allocate the budget, yet it hides how it uses its power from us. I will change this practice. It is also disturbing how many students are dropped from the classes they pre-registered for. I plan to seek remedy to this problem in several ways. One way is to create more sections of popular courses to meet demands. Another, and maybe more effective, is to make it more clear how students will be chosen for the specific course. Without making it clear who will get chosen for the course, students might miss out on a course they would have been equally happy taken, but is closed when they go back to pick a replacement for the course from which they were dropped. Though I’m sure there are other candidates with great ideas who are running against me, I am uniquely qualified for the position having held many leadership positions in my extracurriculars over the years and on the sports teams on which I have competed. Vote Carson Eisenach for Dennett House Representative!
Robbie Feder
Hi I’m Robbie Feder. I’m a purple cow and I’m proud of it! My father is a purple cow, my older sister is a purple cow, and even my twin sister is a purple cow. With purple and gold running through my veins I am running to be the Dennett House Representative because I (along with my family) love Williams and am passionate about making it as amazing a place as possible for everyone on campus. Over the past for years I have driven up from New York City to Williamstown in order to visit my older sister who just graduated. I have lived vicariously through my sister’s college experience, and it certainly comes with an advantage. For some knowledge was imparted to me about the ins and out of Williams. If I know a little more about Williams than the average freshman I want to utilize that to benefit our freshman class as a whole and the Williams community at large. As the Dennett representative I would want to expand the sense of community within Dennett as well as within Mission itself. For although I think that Dennett House is the best house on campus (clearly I’m biased), I also feel that many people interact exclusively with their entries because it is all that they know. This kills me because there are so many fantastic people in Dennett. As there is not a great deal of mingling between entries I propose that we create opportunities for Dennetians (Dennettites?) to get to meet each other and express Dennett pride via events such as a Dennett wide color war, a Dennett pizza party, a Dennett softball game, a Dennett capture the flag, a Dennett stress busters for when finals come around, and other assorted events. And why just stop there? Hopefully with the other house representatives we could extend that line of thought and create killer freshmen events where you can have a blast and meet more purple cows from the other entries in Mission and even Frosh Quad. In addition I think that certain dining services issues need to be addressed. Coming into this year we have seen the closing of two dining halls (Greylock and Dodd). This has created a great deal of congestion among the remaining three dining halls (Paresky, Mission, and Driscoll). If elected I propose that as a member of the council I will establish a committee to create a viable plan to limit congestion. I also think that there should be a revisal to the snack bar system. I believe snack bar points should be carried over from all THREE meals (yes people breakfast, lunch, and dinner!). As part of this I further propose that if an individual skips multiple meals they should get points for each meal (because let’s face it people, some nights we are really really hungry and want more than the seven dollars can suffice for). I also believe that snackbar should be open from 2PM-4PM so that people who miss lunch can still be able to get something to eat. Although I have been told some of these goals are lofty I will fight tooth and nail to try to see them come to fruition along with anything else my Dennett, Mission, or Williams brethren (and sisteren) want. Feder’s do not quit and I will do whatever it takes to make YOUR voice heard whether it means speaking to me, writing on my white board, or just shooting me an email anytime. Thank you very much and I hope you elect Feder 2011 for college council!
Dylan Dethier
Hey all, My name is Dylan Dethier and I’m running for Sage Hall Representative this spring. The nearly 6 months I’ve spent in Sage Hall have been some of my life’s favorites and I have no doubt that this spring will be more of the same. My reasons for running are pretty simple—I love Williams, I care about Williams, and I want to see us have as much fun as we can during our time here. The job of Sage Hall Representative is to serve as the bridge between you guys and the College Council. There is $400,000 distributed through the Student Activities Tax that as students we really need to take advantage of, and there’s nothing I love more than a good idea. As your representative I would hope to hear many from you guys and collaborate with CC to turn them to a reality. I think we need to remember that everyone here—the professors, the administrators, the staff—they’re all here to help us get the most out of Williams. What I’m most interested in as a part of College Council, though, is being a part of events that promote unity of a College as a whole. A lot of people list events like Mountain Day and Homecoming as their favorite of the year, times when the whole student body is hanging out and celebrating the best parts of Williams. Whole-school picnics and things like clambakes or harvest dinners would be simple enough to pull off and could make a big difference. Lastly, I know that I’m friends with many of you, but I’d love to get to know many more. Feel free to come up to talk to me about my candidacy, your ideas or anything else—the Red Sox, Natalie Portman, the man that is Dave Samuelson… It’s all fair game. Look forward to sharing ideas and working with Sage Hall over the next few weeks and months. Thanks! Dylan Dethier
Lourdes Orlando
Hey Sage! Let's try this again! I want to represent Sage this semester in our college council. I live on the fourth floor of Sage C if you want to talk, and there's a whiteboard on the door if you ever want to leave a message. I'm easily accessible, and I'll work hard for Sage! This would be my first time on William's council, but I was a representative at my high school as well and can bring that leadership along with me. I'm not overly busy, heck, I'll hand out my phone number if you guys want to ever text me an idea that you want put forward at the council meetings. Somethings people have mentioned they want worked on: Water filters in Frosh Quad Lower Laundry Costs Expand Grab 'n Go ID loss forgiveness for 1st lost ID Jessamyn Lockard Hi! My name is Jessamyn and I’m from Sage C. I want to be Sage Rep because I love Williams and want to work make it even better. While I haven’t had the opportunity to serve in student government here, I’m active in Model United Nations, Campus Dems and have an officer position on the debate team. In my role on the board of Williams Catholic, I supported the resolution for the hiring of a Muslim Chaplin. More important is my willingness to ask questions and my determination to do what you want. Let me know what you care about. Tell me how you want to see Williams perfected. Better yet, just drop by 405 to chat. If you don’t want to climb all those stairs, message me on Facebook, e-mail me at jrl1, or text me at 309-235-9958. Though I’d much rather hear your ideas, here are some of mine: 1. Work with ACE to bring more big name events like Kid Cudi and a wider variety of DJs to Goodrich. 2. Work to shorten the lines at the Dining Halls. It’s ridiculous that the Grab and Go line winds up the stairs. a. Specifically, just like we get breakfast equivalency at Eco and Goodrich, we should get lunch equivalency there as well. Opening another line would help shorten waits… b. We should be able to swipe for lunch at Lee Snack bar. So when you get hungry at 3 pm… 3. Expand Student Art to more spaces on campus
Eric Liao
To show my creativity, I've written an acrostic poem about myself. Enjoy. Eric Really Is Cool
Not many people are able to write at such a high level of intensity. Hopefully that convinced you. All joking aside... Class of 2014, My name's Eric Liao, and I'd like to be reelected for Mills Representative for spring semester. Now everyone is writing elaborate, intense propositions about why they are the top candidate. So I'll try to keep my short and sweet. Hopefully, you know what my deal is by now, and if not then I haven't been doing my job as a Representative. Being on College Council during fall semester has really helped me gain experience and knowledge about how everything on campus works. I hope that I can continue making Mills a great freshman dorm experience. Why vote for me? I hope that I have been representing (and can represent) the voice of Mills in a positive image. By maintaining a plentiful academic schedule, pursuing art and music, and participating on a varsity sport, I hope I can relate to most of the freshman class in a variety of ways and use those experiences to help better the campus as a whole. I am outgoing, social, and prepared for work when needed. I am also friendly, but I will be intimidating if the situation calls for it. I assure you I will make the best decisions in College Council that will make freshman year better. Like more chocolate milk. Now just in case you think I have nothing on my plate or don't believe that I'm doing anything on College Council, below are some things. Short and sweet, just the way you like them.
Things I've done/doing: - return of some popular snacks at late night snack bar (but more to come, don't worry) - keeping the chocolate milk running in the dining halls - aided in reducing athlete/student-athlete divide - hot water in Mission - reducing the long lines for meals (I still want to have two swipers downstairs so we can increase the efficiency) - currently working on a project creating a “free store†where students can exchange unused goods with other students
Things that I hope to fulfill: - expand the entry system so that Mission and Frosh quad can bond more − More chocolate milk (keep it flowing) - improve Mission meals - put more computers in the mailroom and in Sawyer - add two mouses to the computers in the mailroom so we can have two additional functional computers - more color printers on campus (in Sawyer, to begin with) - a WORKING cash to card machine in Mission (because really, who wants to walk to Paresky when you need money for laundry) - a WORKING vending machine that actually accepts your change the first time you try - if it's possible, to redesign the meal plan so freshman don't need the 21-meal plan, and so we can expand with the variety of our uses with our points (maybe Subway/Hot Tomatoes/etc?)
I promise to continue working on College Council and making Williams a stronger community for all if you re-elect me for Mills Representative. Thank you for reading, and please remember to vote! Sincerely, Eric Liao
David Stevens
Hey everyone! I’m running for the position of Mills Representative in hopes of further unifying and improving our house while bringing your issues to College Council to be resolved. I was involved in student council throughout high school, specifically in a subcommittee called the Student Advisory Committee. We met with the school board to facilitate changes in student life. Possibly the highlight of this committee was our victory over the strict cell phone rules, allowing them to be used at lunch and passing time. Since that’s not exactly a problem here, it’s time to tackle different, larger issues such as the cash-to-card machine in Mission. I would also like to initiate some inter-entry bonding through non-awkward mingling activities and weekend entertainment. This could easily lead to “Mills†sweatshirts and other apparel, to show our pride. And possibly a fragrance line.
April Jenkins
My name is April Jenkins and I am running for reelection as Pratt House Representative. This past semester, I appreciated your input and from constituent requests, I have worked to introduce more baby carrots and a bagel slicer to Mission dining hall, advocated for egg options at late night (omelets and eggs will soon be available at snack bar – yum!) and have begun a project to redecorate the display cases on the ground floor. I really love hearing your ideas on what can be done to improve our school and if you re-elect me, I will continue to listen to your ideas and put them into action. Do not hesitate to contact me with any improvements you would like to see! On College Council, I have worked to improve the transfer student experience and co-authored a resolution with a plan for improving housing, academic advising, and an orientation program. As your representative, I also serve on the Finance Committee, which allocates funding to clubs, groups and events on campus ensuring that if you have a good idea you can easily get the money to make it happen. Through Finance Committee, I co-authored an addition to the College Council bylaws to change the process for September funding. This means that if you have a good idea for an event or party, it will be easier to secure funding to make that event happen the first month of school. In hopes of bringing a wider array of events to campus, I co-authored a new proposal which would sponsor “Superfan†games for every sports team, which would have free Williams apparel, give-aways and half-time shows by a capella, dance or performance groups. I have truly enjoyed being your representative this semester and hope that you have been able to enjoy the benefits of the actions and changes I supported. As elections draw near, I would love your support for another semester as Pratt House Representative. If re-elected, I would continue the work I have begun as well as look into improving Sophomorientation, the neighborhood system, room draw, and dining. As always, I will pay special attention to issues you feel passionate about and constituent requests. Best of luck with the new semester and as always please contact me – email ( aej1 ), stop by my room (Pratt 231) or shoot me a text (630-207-6459) – with any concerns or new ideas you may have.
Wen Han
As a member of Spencer Neighborhood, I have always been excited about serving the neighborhood and its residents. Currently serving as the Spencer Neighborhood Program Coordinator, I’m excited for the opportunity to further representative our neighborhood as the at-large rep on College Council. Last year, while living in Mission (then part of Spencer Neighborhood), I served as the freshman Dennett House representative on College Council. And I am right now a member of the Financial Committee, allocating funding for student organizations and activities. I’m also involved in a host of organizations, such as Public Health Alliance, International Club, Chinese American Student Organization, etc. Just this weekend, our neighborhood board put together a TV give-away event for the Super Bowl on Sunday, and will continue to organize more events for Spencer residents as well as the campus at large, such as late night snacks, open mic nights, etc. And with that I believe I will bring expertise and great team work to the family of Spencer Neighborhood, as their representative on College Council. Many thanks, Wen
James Elish
Hello Currier, let me first say that it has been an honor representing you for this past semester on College Council. As a sophomore, new to our scenic quad, I have had the immense pleasure settling into the true Currier experience. I have felt welcomed by the established community here, and I have enjoyed the advantage of living near so many close friends. The greatest joy of college life comes in meeting new and diverse groups of friends, the people of Currier have made sophomore year fresh and exciting. However, there are still those of you who I have not yet had the pleasure of meeting. Allow me a brief introduction. I currently live in East, surrounded by friends transplanted from frosh quad. I play on the JV soccer and rugby teams, as well as serve on the Honor Committee. Like many sophomores, I am currently in throes of deciding what my life will look like next year. Most relevant to this nomination, I have served for a year on College Council and many associated committees. During that term, I have made a name for myself as someone who is not afraid to comment on the most delicate and hotly debated issues. I am experienced in the bureaucracy of campus politics and know how to make my voice heard in way that is neither off-putting nor irrelevant. In short, my goal, while on Council, has always been to represent my constituents with respect and direction. This past semester, Council has been active in many social issues ranging from the student-athlete/non-athlete divide to a wide-reaching community ideals project. These topics, meriting discussion and action, will eventually make Williams a better place to live. However, the most important and relevant mission of College Council is the distribution of funding to campus groups of every variety and purpose. It is always my chief priority, as your representative, to allocate your Student Activities Tax money in a way that is fair and beneficial. College Council draws its funding from you. No matter what activities you do, or your interests, you should see return on that investment. My mission is to make Council relevant in your life through programs and improvement that you want to see. I encourage you to track me down on the CC website, send me emails, and to meet with me in person. I am anything but intimidating, and welcome your criticism and advice. No matter whom you vote for as your representative, I encourage you to offer your ideas and solutions. Representatives are supposed to be a conduit for the ideas and concerns of their constituents. I want to make your lives tangibly better. Every Currier idea, big or small, is worthy of action. I am asking to you to let me be your voice on Council. I have the experience and drive, but I need your vote in order to get back representing the neighborhood I love.
Liz Visconti
Hi, my name is Liz Visconti and I’m running for the Dodd Neighborhood Representative to College Council. I’m a sophomore living in the best housing on campus, Tyler Annex, of course! I’m also a swimmer and occasionally contribute to The Record. I’m running for College Council because, to be honest, I think I’ll do a good job. I’m always willing to listen and I love to think of creative ways to make Williams even better than it already is. I would focus on making sure College Council spends it’s resources on programming that excites a large majority of the campus, rather than small interest groups. I would advocate for more parties in Paresky, given the success of the parties this past fall. Additionally, I believe that living in the purple bubble can be very isolating. It seems like students here have to seek out information about what’s going on outside the bubble, which can be strange when many of us grew up being bombarded with news and information everywhere we went. To make us better informed people, I would advocate for a continuation of newspaper delivery to Paresky, Mission, and Driscoll. Additionally, I would suggest the purchase of a TV to put upstairs in Paresky. Thank you for your consideration! Liz Visconti
Charlie Cao
As the Wood Neighborhood Vice President last fall and the current Wood Neighborhood President, I have extensive experience both in College Council and in working with the Neighborhood system. I was on College Council last semester as the Wood Board Representative, where I served as the contact point between the Neighborhood Governance Board and College Council. I am also a member of the Finance Committee, where I work to allocate hundreds of thousands of College Council dollars to various student groups. I also organized and executed numerous events to improve students’ lives and inspire school and neighborhood pride: At the beginning of the year, I organized the Taste of Williamstown, which brought local produce to students to help educate them on eating local and also to welcome them back to school. During Homecoming, I planned and worked the Wood Neighborhood Tailgate, where we served brats and chicken. I helped execute 2 Student/Faculty dinners at The Log, where we catered from Coyote Flaco and Spice Root to allow students to build personal relationships with their professors. Over Winter Study, I organized and executed a Student/Faculty Wine and Cheese Tasting and I also helped run a showing of Inception in Bronfman Auditorium. This semester, as the Wood President, I plan on having more catered Wood Neighborhood Dinners, regular weekend snacks, and sponsored Dinner and Debates. My experience shows that I have the knowledge it takes to represent your interests and concerns on College Council, and I look forward to the opportunity to working for you in the spring.
Emily Calkins
My name is Emily Calkins, and I am running for 2014 Class Representative in hopes of representing my class' opinions & ideas within the context of College Council meetings and the Williams community at large. I have had a fantastic first semester here at Williams, and am now excited about and ready to build upon what I’ve already found to be great, and to improve upon the things my class would like to see changed. Currently, I'm a section editor of the Williams Record, and am applying to take on more leadership roles throughout different areas of student life on campus. This experience, and other leadership positions I have held throughout the past couple years (in athletics, student government and campus life) make me both prepared for and excited about potentially taking on this job.
As your representative, here are some of the things I'd like to do: -WORK CLOSELY WITH ACE (All Campus Entertainment) & the Neighborhood System in order to renew our efforts to bring entertainment/DJs/live performers to campus on the weekends. -HELP REVITALIZE WEEKEND-LIFE (especially within Frosh Quad & Mission) by working to organize parties that we as a class have attempted to have in the past. ie: being in charge of collecting donations for things like last weekend's party in M4 to make sure that those hosting can continue to do so -BRING BACK FROSH COUNCIL, a system that has functioned in the past to promote all-freshmen events on campus. For example, in previous years this council helped to organize events such as winter formals in Mission and spring events on the Frosh Quad lawn. -CREATE A PEER SYSTEM with the upperclassmen (ie: a big sibling program) in order to connect our class with 2011, 2012, 2013 and blend the freshman experience with that of the upperclassmen on campus. -ORGANIZE & RALLY our class around all on-campus activities in hopes of increasing the number of us at each & every sports game, concert, or performance on campus and fostering an even stronger sense of school spirit. -RENEW my efforts to get to know the individual members of our class, in hopes to better understand what you want, and how I can help to make it happen. I am hoping to forge new relationships, and reaffirm old ones by being a person that my entire class feels comfortable talking to about anything. I can promise to devote 100% of my attention to the views of my individual classmates, and the ideas of 2014 at large.
Dan Lima
My name’s Dan Lima and I would like to represent the great Class of 2014. I’m a laid back, outgoing, and easily approachable guy from a small, hard-working town in Connecticut. I’m a first-generation college student who loves soccer, listening to all kinds of music, jumping around at dances, singing Taylor Swift, and watching movies (except horror ones). I work in Whitman’s Dining Hall during dinner and Late Night where I get to cook, meet tons of people, hear so many stories, and see crazy outfits after broomball matches. This past fall, I was fortunate to be elected to College Council as the Williams Hall Representative. Although it was a lot of work, I loved my time on Council and I was pleased to be someone my peers could turn to with their concerns. Some of my work on Council includes: o Serving on the College Council Facilities Committee o Only first-year selected to committee that helps elect new Athletic Director o Served on the Letter Writing Committee to address athletic culture at Williams o Created a List-serve to provide an easy contact system amongst Willy Hall students o Serving on the committee for installing Rest Lounge/Game Room in Schow Library o Supported the resolution to hire a Muslim chaplain o Supported funding for the Great Ideas Gaming Program o Supported the resolution on clearer policy for new transfer students o Supported the resolution to create a capital investment fund for student organizations If elected to Council, I would like to: o Provide better options for international students during school breaks o Provide more food options at Late Night and allow students to provide feedback and make suggestions o Complete my work on the Schow Lounge/Game Room for next fall complete with massage chairs and refreshments o Work with the Dining Committee to shorten the wait-time at Late Night and other meals & dining halls so that everyone can get their food in a reasonable fashion o Create more entry bonding through continuous IM sports competitions o Provide more options for car-rentals o Provide more venues for student art o Make CC more accessible to everyone o Attack the issue of over-enrollment during the class registration process o Install tampon disposals in female stalls o Re-establish the Frosh Council system to promote a better first-year experience for our class and classes to come o Provide a more intimate environment at Whitman’s Late-Night (similar to ’82 Grill) o Entry to Entry bonding through mixed snacks o Occasionally host Late Night at Mission Dining Hall o Establish a better sophomore orientation system o Continue my work with facilities to provide the best feasible living experience for students o Provide a greater range of weekend activities so that all students can feel comfortable and satisfied with the weekend experience
Whether on the playing grounds, on the stage, in the classroom, or in the studio, the college has provided all of its students with an extraordinary opportunity to express themselves and pursue many endeavors. It would be an extreme honor to represent this great class of 2014. Since I’ve been at Williams, I’ve met classmates from so many different backgrounds. I’m truly blessed to have an opportunity to meet so many amazing individuals, and I plan to continue to interact and create more relationships with my classmates. I want to know what they want from Williams. What can I do to help them achieve what they want from the school? Williams demands a great deal from its students, but what do the students demand from the college? I intend to pursue the answers to these questions and create the best possible environment for my classmates.
Fernando Lora
Hello Class of 2014,
My name is Fernando Lora and I would like to be your representative for College Council. As we begin our freshmen spring, my Eph pride has only grown since my first day at Williams. Throughout first semester I noticed things about the school that I hoped I would one day be able to improve. Now as I run for College Council representative I hope that my ideas as well as those given to me by my constituency can ...make a difference. My ideas are as follows: - Community building activities such as dual snacks. - More social events such as game nights, inter-entry competitions, etc. - Make Paresky an art gallery on Friday evenings to display student art - More variety in Paresky for lunch and dinner. - Community computer in Willy and Sage basements. - A pool table in Willy &/or Sage, and better pool tables in Mission. - Better televisions in mission. - Mission snack bar more often. - Weekly webisodes/emails keeping everyone informed of what is going on. - Enjoyed this year’s homecoming? More tailgates throughout the football season. - Later gym hours – 11:30PM? - The Weekend Van - a van that would pick up inebriated students and bring them back to their dorms safely. - Water coolers in Willy & Sage basements as well as throughout Mission. - Working vacuums. - Change machines in Willy and Sage common rooms.
The list is not complete as I have not heard the ideas of every freshmen, but I am committed to making the difference that we all would like to see.
Teddy Onserio
Esteemed Class of 2014… I salute you all! ☺ I go by the name Teddy Onserio but many simply call me Teddy and few others ‘T.Bear’. I come from Kenya and I now live in Mission, Armstrong 4. I love Williams and really enjoy the company of fellow Ephs, especially the class of 2014. We are a special group and in deed just like the 2014 admission report states, “The class of 2014 is one of the brightest and most diverse classes ever to attend Williams Collegeâ€. I am a Kusika member and you may have probably seen me in one of the shows drum my heart out. I also play the bass drum in the Moocho Macho Moocow marching band... yes the crazy band that plays even in the libraries and birthday parties. I have been serving as a clerk in the Admissions office and you may also have spotted me working in Mission dining. As your representative, I will give my role all the attention it deserves. I don’t have working hours and neither do I have an office; talk to me in the hallways, in the library, set up lunch meetings… whatever! I simply beseech you to get that ‘simple’, ‘impossible’ idea to me. I will keep you fully informed about the proceedings in the CC; it’s a basic right that I will dearly protect. I will tackle the alarming rate of being dropped from classes of your choice. The administration should be flexible enough to accommodate more students if necessary and this applies to the MSRC too. Free University program did not pick up this year. Talent lies within us. I will actively work with the CC to ensure that next year we have a Free University similar to the one in 2005 (refer here http://record.williams.edu/wp/?p=9093). The snack bar, Mission and 82 Grill have been revamped. Now it’s time to tackle the long lines which waste time. Driscoll also needs a similar make over. I will lobby for the installation of a water dispenser in Mission, Williams and Sage. The change machine in Mission also needs repair. According to a number of revelers, a wider range of music is needed in Goodrich and I will work closely with the All-Campus Entertainment to ensure that they strike a balance.
I have an array of plans but remember, YOUR VIEWS ARE PARAMOUNT!
On Febuary 3rd, we all joined efforts in Claiming Williams. It is clear that change has always come from the students. I applaud the outgoing CC for their good job. We have a working system, I agree. I only want us to make it even better! This is our institution. We are the movers. You have the power in your hands, don’t suppress it… manifest it. That is what I want to facilitate. Therefore, my comrades, I urge you to vote for me as your representative. Join hands and let’s do this!! Thank you!
Mattia Wruble
Hey Class of 2014, My name is Mattia Wruble and I am running for Class of 2014 representative. This past fall, I was elected Sage Hall representative and I am excited to continue my work on council. Why me? I am friendly, outgoing and generally pretty unintimidating, which makes me available and accessible to you and your ideas. I promise to take on this responsibility by speaking for and acting in favor of our class, whether or not our proposals are in agreement with those of the administration. I guarantee decisions concerning college policy, student life, projects, student activities funds, and campus events will be made with the voice of our class in mind. Class reps must also keep their respective classes up to date on what’s going on in council. I created a Sage listserv to do just that; it allowed for a two-way exchange between sage-ers and myself. Class representatives also have a duty to work with both students and administrators. As Sage representative, I worked with students, council members, dining staff, campus life coordinators, the alumni office, and other administrators to make your experience at Williams more enjoyable. I went into council with goals and ambitions and have successfully accomplished many of them. I am a member of the happiness committee, a subcommittee whose main objective is to make your lives better. I have diversified student activities by approving the establishment of numerous clubs. I am responsible for the new gaming equipment in the Luetkemeyer lounge. Have you seen that little, cartoon campus map we have? Well, that’s getting an upgrade. A new campus tour, featuring 3d panoramas, will be created this spring. I have also worked to improve the transfer student experience. I have also made many improvements to the dining. You may have noticed the new toaster, decaf tea and hot chocolate and the cheese in the salad bar at Whitmans, and there are better things coming. We will soon be able to make pb & j’s at Whitman’s. Late night snack bar’s menu will expand to include chicken patties, bagels with flavored cream cheeses or butter, tuna melts, and eggs to order (beginning with omelets). I am also working with dining services to restore the atmosphere of the old snack bar. My goals for the upcoming year are to unite our grade and build 2014 pride. I want to make Williams a better, happier community. I am currently working on several projects including the creation of a “free store†in which you will be able swap unwanted items with other students’ items, a community ideals display which will exhibit your views as collected by surveys, changes to the dining experience, and putting computers in mission and massage chairs around campus (free of course). I have many ideas for future projects. For example, I want to bring back the illustrious frosh quad tent party and plan more class events. Keep getting dropped from classes? I want to work with administrators to make the class selecting process less stressful. I’d also like to get dining equivalency points at Lee snack bar and at restaurants in town including Tunnel City, Subway and Pappa Charlie’s. All students on financial aid should be compensated for the costs of schoolbooks (there was a glitch in the system this year which stopped this from being the case). I’d also like to foster Williams’ sports enthusiasm by offering enticements like free food, blowouts, face paint and horns at games. Finally, I want to bridge the gap between council and the student body by making information more accessible and contact easier. I look forward to hearing some of your ideas.
Caleb Hoffman-Johnson and Peter Skipper
We are running to be your Class of 2013 Co-Representatives on a split ticket, as Peter plans to study away in the Fall of 2011. We believe that our participation and involvement in numerous student organizations and teams on campus will allow us to have access to and represent a wide variety of student perspectives and opinions. This will enable us to more honestly, personably and effectively represent the views and interests of the Class of 2013. As members of CC Campus, we will work to set Council’s agenda to reflect those interests. A little bit about ourselves: Peter Skipper: -Current Dodd At-Large Representative to CC -Worked on Great Ideas Campaign -Member of Finance Committee, streamlined student group funding process -President of College Dems -Member of the Springstreeters -Tour Guide -Member of Williams Catholic
Caleb Hoffman-Johnson: -Member of the Men’s Soccer Team -Served as College Council proxy -Member of the Springstreeters -Tour Guide
We understand the importance of accessibility, open communication and teamwork, and will bring not only our experience on Council, but also a wealth of fresh ideas and new perspectives. We also recognize that it is crucial for Class Reps to possess the initiative and drive to take on projects of their own in addition to those brought to us by you.
Some of our ideas, all of which are feasible: 1. Promote class pride with “Lucky ‘13†t-shirts
2. Provide reliable student printing in Paresky 3. Establish funding for all athletic teams to host a tailgate or all-campus event and provide Superfan apparel at a home game of their choosing 4. Increase Grab ‘n’ Go variety of sandwich and dessert offerings 5. Expand student membership on the Safety and Security Committee 6. Acquire a chalkboard or fixed menu at Late Night
We have the experience and motivation to transform your suggestions into concrete policy on Council. Vote Caleb and Peter for Class of 2013 Co-Reps! Honest. Approachable. Effective.
Jay Mehta
The position of class rep revolves around representing the interests of one’s class in College Council and vice-versa, which is the basis of my campaign. Throughout my career here so far, I have found the student body to be a bit disconnected from college council, however the council exists to serve the needs of the students. I will try to reach out to people I know and people I don’t know to find out what they want to change in this school. I’m involved with various groups on campus, but am always excited to meet new people and chat with them. As class rep, I can offer help with any issues that my classmates have about Williams or inform College Council of the things that work. I sincerely want people to enjoy their time here, and I am stoked to be someone who they can approach to make this place even better. I will be in Paresky for many hours everyday in the spring, and will be available to talk to my classmates almost anytime. As for the Class of 2013, our needs are pretty simple: good housing for when some of us return from being abroad, career help to lock down those internships and jobs for next summer, and of course having a good time at the school of dreams. I am definitely interested in having some exclusive Class of 2013 events to meet those people who we still haven’t met in our class. These don’t have to be in party form, but I think they could go a long way toward creating class unity and pride for being a ’13. All things considered, I would like to represent the interests of our class, and I will make an effort to find out what complaints my peers have and bring them up at College Council meetings to come up with creative and feasible solutions.
Paisley Kang
Hi, fellow 2012s! My name is Paisley Kang and I am an English and Music double major who lives in East. I’m sure I’ve met a good number of you one way or another in the past 3 years; I am involved in the arts and know many people from that, but I also happen to be approachable and friendly which is why I know a lot of people. I am running for the position of Class of 2012 Representative. I am hoping that you will grant me your vote because I would be absolutely honored to serve as your representative for the coming year. Over the last three years, I have really fallen in love with Williams College and the way it always strives to be better than the amazing place that it already is. The institution, although it is the best liberal arts college in the US, is neither complacent nor too easily satisfied with the status quo. Instead, we remain steadfast in our mission to constantly evolve and adapt according to the quickly changing world. We are in a physical bubble on our small campus, but intellectually and socially, we are definitely in touch with the outside and aim to remain stubborn purveyors of change for the better. For this reason, I would like to represent our class. We are ¼ of this body of 2000+ amazing individuals, who I know can create a better and better environment if we want. We won’t achieve utopia, but we can certainly aspire to create a place where everyone is satisfied with being within it, how funds are spent, what fun events are offered, what policies are placed upon us. As the Class Representative, I would be really happy to be able to listen to what my peers want from their remaining year of college and bring these to the CC table to try my best to actualize them, produce results. This past semester, I was the Vice President of Currier Neighborhood. This was my first and very enjoyable experience on CC. Because of my position, I was able to constantly put forth what I knew my peers would want from CC and actually make it happen. I am also a member of the Currier Event Programming Committee; it always feels great seeing unique events like All Things Chocolate and Student-Faculty Lyceum entertain people because I know I took part in making them happen. I really enjoy helping my peers’ stressful Williams lives be a little bit more fun! If being a significant part of making Currier a better place to live pleases me so much, I can imagine how truly rewarding serving as the Class of 2012 could be. I know I would work very hard if I were able to gain this position because I am aware of the satisfaction I would feel if I could succeed in accurately and effectively representing my class. In other words, please vote for me because you know I won’t disappoint you!
Stephen Maier
Hi, my name is Stephen Maier, though I am just “Scuba†to many. I am currently the JA of Dennett 2 and loving the experience (kids, co, etc.). I can proudly say our entry is a tightly knit, functional, happy, and fun unit. I play hockey and baseball for Williams, and both teams have provided me with friends who I can fondly and honestly call brothers. I volunteer in any free time I have, most frequently at the Williamstown Elementary School. I also spend time with the physically and mentally handicapped, helping them to skate and interact with Williams students. I am majoring in biology and psychology, and taking Pre-Med classes in preparation for a hopeful admission to Medical School. I am a diligent worker and do my best to constantly keep up with the fast pace of Williams, be it work, sports, friends, etc. My endeavors have fortunately introduced me to numerous different groups of people, which have provided me with ample opportunities to meet new classmates. Coming to Williams I set one main goal that I am optimistic about accomplishing, that is meeting everyone from our class, 2012. I would like to believe I have been making progress, but I know I haven’t met everyone. I would like to change that, and in doing so be able to represent our class as the most accomplished and memorable to graduate from Williams. My athletic, academic, and extracurricular commitments have shaped me into a multi-faceted individual with strong leadership qualities. I am a passionate individual and work strenuously to make the most positive impact possible on those around me. I will aid the school presidents in any situation necessary and be a middleman in assuring that our class voice is heard. Thank you for your consideration.
Amanda Weatherhead
My name is Amanda Weatherhead, and I am running to be the class of 2012 representative for College Council. I would make a good representative because, I am very accessible, friendly and approachable. In addition, I am a very good listener, and I promise to be receptive to all of your ideas whether you want to reach me in person, via email, or through facebook. Furthermore, I am a persuasive person: I would fight to accomplish the things that you all feel are essential to improving the quality of undergraduate life at Williams. Finally, I am very organized and punctual, so I would be at every College Council meeting to ensure that the class of 2012 always has a voice on the council. I am qualified to be the class of 2012 representative because I have experience in leadership roles, and am very comfortable making decisions. I was a WOOLF leader am a JA this year, which has given me valuable experience addressing conflict and a variety of issues. I have also had experience on College Council. Last semester, Newton Davis and I were the class of 2012 representative. I served on a variety of committees such as a committee that drafted letters to send to the faculty, JAs, and varsity coaches addressing the ‘athletic/non-athletic divide.’ I also worked to institutionalize the Bike Share Program. Last year, I served as secretary for the last half of the semester. As secretary I served on a variety of committees and updated the bylaws, so I am very familiar with how CC should run. Finally, in the spring of my freshman year I was the Sage representative. That semester I was on the Event Co-Sponsorship Committee that allocated money to students to put on events. In addition to my experience on College Council, I have served on the Campus Life Budget and Allocations Committee. While serving on the committee, we would meet with students who had proposals for activities, concerts, events etc., and as a committee we would vote on whether or not their proposal would enrich student life on campus and if we should provide them with the funds they needed. In addition, I have been on the Financial Committee, which allocates the Student Activities Tax. Finally, I am on the Dining Services Committee, where I present students’ opinions to Dining Services, and I have helped oversee such changes as getting back dairy frozen yogurt and more locally-grown field greens in Paresky. Being on College Council and these committees provided me with invaluable experience because not only did they give me firsthand knowledge of the inner workings of Williams, but also they gave me the great experience of being able to play an active role in student life. I’m an Eph for life and I want to work to make sure campus remains such an amazing place! So, elect me, Amanda Weatherhead as your Class of 2012 Representative.
Ariana Gonzalez and David Michael
David Michael ’13 (Spring) and Ariana Gonzalez ’13 (Fall) for All Campus Representative with a Special Focus on Community and Diversity.
Since its redefinition, this representative has been tasked with looking at the struggles of Williams holistically and finding ways to strengthen our diverse community. Admittedly, we are outsiders to either the leadership boards of the Morley Circle groups or College Council, but we are confident that our fresh perspectives will be assets in making concrete, achievable and noticeable changes. Our core belief is that by building relationships between students, we will begin to heal the divides that still exist. Lots of student groups have expressed frustration over the difficulty in communicating effectively to the rest of campus. By bringing students together over our shared values or even just a little bit of fun, we hope that we can begin to see each other in a common light, as valuable individuals with independent ideas, values, and character—and to remember that we all seek one thing in common: an educational experience in which we can thrive. The two of us know a wide spectrum of students, and we think that we could start conversations by bringing together unconventional groups for social activities, like Varsity Teams and MinCo groups. We’ll even be a voice for minorities that don’t have their own groups but still need support. Because of our differences, we’ve had the opportunity to see many sides of our community. Between the two of us, we’ve been on sports teams, academic teams, dance groups, and identity groups. But we’ve also been in the unique position of knowing both parties to a few incidents of harassment and conflict at parties. Seeing our friends interact like this has caused us to seriously consider ways to tackle these issues. The best way to achieve these goals is to actually get things done. We have some programs that we’re really excited about for this next year and we think they will benefit the entire community. We’d like to create a way for Dining Services to offer affordable and healthy groceries to students. Other campuses provide no-questions-asked rides for students on weekend nights, and we think that could work at Williams. David started the video game library and stations on campus and in that spirit we would expand great activities like Williams After Dark. We’ll create a new, comfy Study Break Room in Schow. A new Peer Counseling program would empower students to help other students and is a great way to unite our community. We will work to create a new men’s support organization to help bring more voices into the conversation about diversity on campus. We believe that by engaging men in the process we will make strides in preventing sexual assault, providing positive male role models, and creating a healthy relationship culture. We will create a blog for students to follow our votes and give us feedback. We have spent a great deal of time and energy thinking about how to improve your time here at Williams and we hope you will give us the chance to help the community. Thanks!
Zach Evans
Hello Williams College! My name is Zach Evans ’12 and I am running to be your Community and Diversity Representative.
When I came to Williams, I was very uncertain about where I stood academically and socially. Although I had a difficult time adjusting to life in the purple bubble, I stayed committed to addressing issues of community on this campus and worked hard to improve the quality of undergraduate life. My commitment to these issues is rooted in my firm belief that the best way to connect with a community is to put a whole-hearted effort into acknowledging its faults and developing creative solutions for constructive change. I believe I would be competent in the position because of my experience and commitment to community issues and my ideas for initiatives.
While at Williams, I have worked to create a stronger community by serving as: 1. a Bridges Orientation leader, 2.an editor for Discuss Magazine 3. a summer intern at the Multicultural Center (MCC). 4.a member of the Claiming Williams Steering Committee 5. a member of the Dively Committee for Human Sexuality and Diversity 6.Secretary of the Queer Student Union
These experiences have allowed me to make strong connections with the staff at the MCC and other faculty, staff and students who deeply value and work to improving our Williams community.
I have experience not only in the community, but on College Council (CC) as well. For a total of four semesters, I’ve served on CC in such capacities as Dennett First-year Rep, Spencer At-Large Rep, and Secretary. My prior time on CC would serve me well if elected due to my familiarity with administrators and staff. By serving on the subcommittee that developed and implemented the first SophomOrientation, I have gained the skill of how to develop ideas and turn those ideas into reality. Initiatives I would like to implement with the help of College Council and working with a multitude of other offices on campus such as the Athletic Department and MCC, are:
(1) Institute community dinners in which students can cook alongside fellow peers, staff, and faculty. Meal preparation would follow with a family-style meal in one of the houses on Morley Circle. (2) Provide MinCo groups with funds for tailgating at home games to increase attendance at competitions. (3) Work with the OCC, the MCC, and MinCo to provide institutional support for students interested in continuing participation in occupations related to affinity groups and social justice issues. A new search engine could also connect current Ephs to alums who participated in MinCo groups during their time at Williams.
(5) Continue the kinds of dialogue-sparking conversations started on Claiming Williams Day by recording short real life stories that will be placed on the Williams College website and via podcast. Similar to the format used by the podcast This American Life, students will address a topic such as “finding community,†“adjusting to Williams,†or “finding your passion†in amusing short segments. Not only will this provide a degree of institutional memory for the college, but it will also entertain and encourage us to think about the enriching diversity of experience in our community.
Malik Nashad Sharpe
My name is Malik Nashad Sharpe and I am freshman from Bay Shore, New York, which is located approximately half-an-hour from Manhattan. I am running for the All Campus Representative with a special focus on Community and Diversity.
With my short time on campus, I have quickly made it my mission to become involved. I am currently the MinCo representative for Students of Caribbean Ancestry, the Vice President and Director of Members and Events of the Williams College Law Society, a member of Students for a Just and Sustainable Future, a baritone in the Springstreeters, a dancer on Kusika and the Intern at the Multicultural Center. My involvement in student groups and organizations, as well as my active participation campaigning for minority causes (Yes, even the ones that transcend exterior lines) give me the wealth of experience needed to represent and improve what diversity and community means to us at Williams. I have specific goals in mind to help address the issues this campus faces in relation to diversity and inclusion. It is one thing to talk about diversity, and it is another to address the question: Why this campus needs diversity? Why is it a necessity? How do we become inclusive? And why is it important, not only to recognize the differences of peers we may take for granted every day, but also to talk about differences as a way to form lasting, meaningful relationships and to make Williams a more accessible school for everyone to equally claim? This past Claiming Williams, I had the opportunity to speak on a panel about my experiences as a nontraditional student. I put the story of my atypical life experience out there so I could address the assumptions many of us make about each other. At Williams, we often forget how important it is to recognize difference as a beautiful aspect of our now-collective life experiences. As Williams students, and more importantly, citizens of a new generation, it is imperative that we understand, respect and talk about our differences to form a stronger, more inclusive and understanding Williams community. If elected, I will put myself out there for the causes we stand for. Have you ever wondered why minority group events are almost only attended by minority group members? We’ll talk about it, and change it. Have you ever wondered why students feel marginalized at Williams? We’ll talk about it and change it. Have you ever wondered what we can do about the apparent student-athlete divide? We’ll talk about it and change it. You can be certain that the goals we set together will be established and instituted to my best ability. Change will take more than just one year. It could take five, ten, maybe twenty. However, I am all about instituting social change, and while the road ahead may be bumpy, difficult and seemingly inaccessible, when we talk about the two aspects of that we cherish, diversity and community, changes will be made and new goals will be set for the future of Williams.
Krista Pickett
Williams College: My name is Krista Pickett and it would be my privilege to serve as your College Council Secretary. My involvement on Council for the past year and a half has allowed me the opportunity to listen carefully to your concerns, to voice your opinions in Council meetings, to work closely with faculty, staff, and administrators, and to learn the way this school truly works. As the Class of 2013 Representative, I chaired the committee that organized the second annual SophomOrientation, assisted new student groups in obtaining College Council approval, and helped to create the agenda for each individual CC meeting. I’m continually reminded how to get an accurate read of the campus through my experiences on College Council, the ACE and Wood Neighborhood Boards, the Committee on Undergraduate Life, the CC Appointments Committee, the Facilities Directors Committee, the Happiness Committee, and as a member of the Campus Life programming staff. Planning events like last Tuesday’s Purple Key Fair and participating in discussions revolving around the academic, athletic, and social culture at Williams have given me valuable insight into specific areas that affect the lives of the student body, and consequently, the votes I cast. Why Secretary? The responsibilities of the CC Secretary appeal to my incessant need for organization and clarity. Communication through e-mail, WSO, and the College Council website will be a priority. I will facilitate an open dialogue between CC and all student-faculty committees. College Council is my passion; my respect for this organization, the work that it does, and the potential that it has all motivate me to make communication between Council and the student body easier and more transparent. In short, Williams is my dream school; I sincerely enjoy working hard to make this campus sparkle even brighter. I promise to continue to be approachable, committed, and fair. All I need is your vote, please.
Jack Noelke
The Treasurer is one of the most important student leaders at Williams. Since the Treasurer works closely with every student who needs College Council funding for a club or event, few other officers have as much responsibility in coordinating the extracurricular ambitions of the student body. My two semesters of work on College Council and the Financial Committee demonstrate my ability to serve your needs as Treasurer. As the current Wood Representative on College Council, I helped organize the keynote address and the Junior Year Forum for SophomOrientation, I worked through funding issues that were stopping a proposal to put video games in Paresky, and I created a new Student Art Initiative to display students’ artwork around campus as an alternative to the art department having to throwing it away. The first Student Art display, which features ten students’ drawings and three freestanding sculptures, has been up in Schow Library since Winter Study, and I will be expanding the program to other spaces this semester if elected Treasurer. As College Council Treasurer, I will launch a proactive campaign to keep you informed about the funding process. You should never have to walk into a funding meeting confused about what is expected of you, so I have already started designing a new College Council funding web page that will be clearer, more informative, and more user-friendly. On the new website, I will lay out College Council’s rules for funding each type of budgetary item point-by-point, and I will include a section that details common mistakes made by students who request funding. If elected, I will also keep strict records of the expenses in all accounts so that I can make a detailed report to the administration if College Council is ever running low on funds. As the current Treasurer of Wood Board, I have gained experience in distributing funds and auditing expenses, and as College Council Treasurer, I would make sure that no student is denied funding due to a lack of Council money. Our current Treasurer has taken great strides to make the funding process easier for students, and I am determined to build upon her hard work by bringing an extraordinary level of dedication and accountability to the Treasurer’s office. Over the past four months, I have helped reform many unclear financial rules, and I recently co-authored a proposal to fund College Council-sponsored “Superfan†games that will feature free custom apparel and live entertainment from our school’s music and dance groups at athletic events in the future. Please feel free to send me any suggestions for how I can better serve you as Treasurer. Thank you for your vote, and I look forward to working with you this semester!
Elizabeth Jimenez and Mustafa Saadi
We, Mustafa Saadi and Elizabeth Jimenez, are running for College Council Co- Presidents for the 2011-2012 term. For us cultivating a community is not specific to the definition that is utilized abstractly by most diversity initiatives. Instead the phrase “cultivating community†relates to the direct engagement between all who compose the community: students, staff, faculty, and local residents.
We have come up with ideas to increase direct engagement between students and community by working with groups such as the Outing Club, Lehman Council, Williams Transport, the Record, and Minority Coalition, to name a few. These are ideas that we will implement and are quite feasible.
One of the biggest challenges facing sports teams and student clubs is publicity. Getting the word out for events is difficult across the board. We propose a solution in providing a free advertising space in the Williams Record every week.
Its true: Spring Street just doesn’t have a lot of options. However this does not have to be the case. There are many entertaining attractions present and we want to solve this by expanding the services of the Williams Shuttle Transportation to include more cars, more frequent trips, and more destinations. The fare will be either really cheap or free and it will run often enough to be sustainable.
The Neighborhood Cup formed this past 2011 WinterStudy was a big success.
We want to work with Neighborhoods and institutionalize this event and improve it. We would improve it by creating a BroomBall rivalry between Mission and Frosh Quad, where the winners receive a decked-out party as reward.
We want to strengthen the relationship between Minority Coalition and College Council. We can do this by strengthening the Community and Diversity representative and actually clarifying what the position means. We envision that a better working relationship and increased communication will benefit the entire student population.
It is also necessary to create a greater comfortable environment for our international students. We want to try and create affordable housing for international students during Winter Break. We start a system of domestic students hosting their friends who are from out of the country. It would make the campus more accessible to those students.
Another facet is the rehabilitation of FroshCouncil, a social planning body that has remained dormant for the recent years. This would help to create a healthy environment for the freshmen to live and participate within during their first year. It would also build a stronger class-wide network.
Another issue is the lack of communication between student leaders on campus. We would like to have a Student Leadership Forum where the bosses of clubs and sports meet and synergize and collaborate their resources, talents, and networks. We believe more cooperation between students will yield positive programming for the entire campus.
We respect the transparency of College Council. We want to continue the efforts started by If and Manny during their presidency. An example of our dedication to community-building is that our platform was entirely created by meeting with student groups and student leaders. Together we addressed the challenges, brainstormed ideas, and tackled the issues with tangible solutions.
Mustafa :
InterFaith Group- President Founder
Purple Bull- President
College Council- Finance Committee
Junior Advisor Mills 3
The Record- Treasurer
Stanley Kaplan Foreign Policy Group- Board Member
Gargoyle Society- 116th Delegation
Liz: Currier Neighborhood- President 2010 College Council- Williams Hall Rep and Currier Board Representative Junior Advisor Mills Dennett 1 Discuss Magazine- Editor in Chief 1914 Ad Hoc Committee - Member WOOLF-Leader Womens Club Rugby Team Gargoyle Society- 116th Delegation
Francesca Barrett and Nick Fogel
We, Nick Fogel and Francesca Barrett, class of 2012, are running for CC Co Presidents. We are running for co-Presidents of College Council because we love Williams. Though we have taken different paths since arriving on campus, we have both been shaped dramatically by our experiences at Williams. Francesca has served on College Council since her freshman year and is currently the Treasure of College Council. In this role she has worked hard to institute numerous financial changes to better students’ experiences at Williams (e.g. transportation changes, fixing the system for renting cars like enterprise, long-term investments, charity fund, great ideas fund). She is also a member of Sankofa and is a pre-med biology major. Nick was born and raised in Williamstown and has grown up going to Williams sporting events, concerts, and plays. At Williams, he served as a representative to College Council last year, was a WOOLF leader, and is currently a JA of AP1. He also runs Cross Country in the fall and was a member of the Nordic ski team freshman year. Our varied experiences give us a broad understanding of life at Williams. We both pride ourselves on being approachable and hope to truly serve the needs of students. There is a rich history of student involvement at Williams and we hope to help students implement ideas they have for improving life on campus. While we take great pride in attending Williams, we realize that there are many areas where the school can improve and we would like to help that process as co-Presidents. Our main goal and theme for the presidency is moving “towards a better Williams†community. The Williams community is incredibly dynamic and diverse. Students come from vastly different backgrounds and pursue different passions within the college. Though divisions occasionally arise, there are moments when we are able to unite as Williams students. At these times, such as Mountain Day in the Fall, the power of our community is illustrated. Deep connections to the College, to friends, and to classmates are formed during these events. In conversations with alumni, we’ve learned that it is these memories and the feeling of belonging that comes from such a strong community that remain long after graduation. Many of our ideas, including reinstating the fall harvest dinner, revitalizing winter carnival, and placing a skating rink on Paresky lawn, strive to foster a stronger and more united Williams community. Along with these ideas, we also want to focus on finding creative solutions towards improving the registration process for Winter Study and fall/spring semester. We have met with the registrar’s office, the deans office, members of the CEP, and administrators who are directly related to our major goals and feel that our ideas are feasible and could have a profound impact on campus. We have seen Williams from very different perspectives and therefore are aware of a variety of views and concerns on campus. We also have different strengths as leaders – Nick is more focused on the big picture ideas, while Francesca is good at finding detailed approaches to get these ideas implemented. We both love Williams and are committed to finding ways to improve the school. HONORARY DEGREES
Will Speer
My name is Will Speer, and I’m a member of the class of 2013. I’m running to be on the Honorary Degrees Committee, which is responsible for selecting commencement speakers and well as candidates for honorary degrees at graduation. I believe I would do a great job in this role. As a math and music double major, I’ve been exposed to a wide variety of people on campus, which has shown me the diverse perspectives seen in the Williams population. This will enable me to keep the interests of the entire student body in mind when deciding on recipients and speakers. In addition, my background in those very different subjects makes me equally receptive to candidates from the arts, academia, the business world, or any other category. I have no biases with regard to what sphere speakers should come from, and would never dismiss an option without proper consideration. However, I know that student input is important in this process, so I would look forward to soliciting suggestions from as many of my peers as possible. College graduation marks an important time in our lives, and it is a day many of us will remember forever. A commencement speaker can be a big part of that experience, so I will take this responsibility extremely seriously. In addition, I will definitely be on campus next year, allowing me to fully dedicate myself to committee duties. The Honorary Degrees Committee is a unique opportunity to have a positive, tangible effect on our time at Williams, and I feel I would be a valuable addition to their membership. Please take time to vote for me in the CC election, and thanks for your consideration.
Darryl Brown
Williams College has not had extravagant graduation guests in years past. While it may not seem important now, we all want to be spoken to by a prominent public figure during graduation, and not just another Williams alumnus who became extremely successful. I was on a similar committee in high school, and I am committed to bring high-profile speakers for the class of 2013.