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FACULTY-STUDENT COMMITTEES 2009-2010 (* = ex-officio)
'''Academic Standing: '''
John Thoman, Chair, Gene Bell-Villada, Ondine Chavoya, Amy Holzapfel, Nicole Mellow, Rob Savage, Dave Johnson*, Richard Nesbitt*, Karen Merrill*, Charles Toomajian Jr.*
'''Appointments and Promotions: '''
Laurie Heatherington, Stephen Fix, Andrea Danyluk (Acting Dean of the Faculty)*, William Wagner
(Interim President)*.
'''Athletics: '''
Heather Williams, Chair, Jessica Chapman, Dan DiCenzo, Peter Low, Alison Swain, Steve Swoap.
'''Book Store Advisory: '''
Sam Crane, Chair, Paul MacDonald, Steve Miller.
'''Calendar and Schedule: '''
Jon Bakija, Chair, Katie Kent, Bud Wobus, Bud Fisher*, Stephen Sneed*, Barbara Casey*, students to be
'''Campus Environmental Advisory: '''
Hank Art, Chair, Ed Gollin, Yoshi Konishi, Amy Podmore.
College and Community Advisory:
Ken Kuttner, Jim Mahon, Stefanie Solum, students to be announced.
'''Compensation Committee: '''
Chris Pye, Melissa Barry, Bob Gazzale, Bernhard Klingenberg, Dan Lynch, Lisa Melendy, Ngoni Munemo,
Christopher Nugent, Anne Skinner.
'''Diversity and Community: '''
Mark Reinhardt, Chair, Scott Lewis, Susan Loepp, Wendy Raymond, Karen Swann, students to be announced.
'''Educational Policy: '''
David Zimmerman, Chair, Joan Edwards, Roger Kittleson, Allison Pacelli, Kashia Pieprzak, Eiko Siniawer, Karen
Merrill*, Andrea Danyluk*, Charles Toomajian Jr.*, William Wagner*, students to be announced.
'''Faculty Review: '''
Jeannie Albright, Magnus Bernhardsson, Christopher Bolton, Sarah Bolton, Leslie Brown, Denise Buell, Edan Dekel, Joan
Edwards, Ed Epping, Katie Kent, Olga Shevchenko, Claire Ting.
'''Honorary Degrees: '''
David Dethier, Susan Engel, Gretchen Long, Jefferson Strait*, Keli Kaegi*, students to be annouced.
'''Honor System-Discipline († = honor subcommittee): '''
Peter Just†, Chair of Discipline Committee and Chair of Honor Committee, Jeanne Albrecht†, David Edwards, Peter Pedroni, Michelyne Pinard, Jana Sawicki, Cheryl Shanks†, Janneke van de Stadt†, Karen Merrill†*, students to be announced.
'''Information Technology: '''
Shawn Rosenheim, Chair, Deb Brothers, Kevin Jones, Michael Rolleigh, William Lenhart*, David Pilachowski*, Dinny Taylor*, Charles Toomajian Jr., Thomas Dwyer , students to be announced.
'''Lecture: '''
Carol Ockman, Chair, Lisa Corrin, Jason Josephson, Karen Kwitter, students to be announced.
'''Library: '''
Anand Swamy, Chair, Marjorie Hirsch, Frederick Strauch, William Lenhart*, David Pilachowski*, Robert Volz*, students to be announced.
'''Priorities and Resources: '''
Safa Zaki, Chair, Rob Baker-White, Dukes Love, Lee Park, Michael Reed (Interim VP Alumni Relations and Development)*, Keith Finan*, Andrea Danyluk (Acting Dean of the Faculty)*, Steve Klass*, students to be announced.
'''Steering: '''
Lucie Schmidt, Chair for Spring, Christopher Bolton, Ali Garbarini, Sarah Goh, Peter Murphy.
'''Undergraduate Life: '''
Colin Adams, Chair, Donnie Brooks, Joe Cruz, Christopher Goh, Tara Watson, students to be announced.
'''Winter Study Program: '''
Ollie Beaver, Chair, Magnus Bernhardsson, Ward Lopes, Bojana Mladenovic, Mara Naaman, Barbara Casey*, Paula Consolini*, Jonathan Morgan-Leamon*, Jodi Psoter*, students to be announced.