

A cappella

2,320 bytes added, 22:48, April 10, 2006
There are seven a capella groups at Williams, which does not include other [[singing]] groups that may perform many pieces a capella. Many Williams students have been cried that this seems like many for a college of 2000, yet it is [[Amherst]] that claims the nickname of the "singing college" [].

The seven are:

'''Female-only:''' [[Ephoria]], [[Accidentals]]
'''Male-onle:''' [[Octet]], [[Springstreeters]]
'''Co-ed:''' [[Good Question]], [[Ephlats]]
'''Special interest:''' [[Elizabethans]] (co-ed)

== Traditions ==

=== Auditions ===

Because of the number of a capella groups that all wish to recruit primarily freshmen, at around the same time (at the start of the fall, starting with the [[Purple Key Fair]]), auditions for all a capella groups are usually held in two weeks. Audition times overlap, but applicants choose time slots and are given enough choices that they may try for all the groups they wish.

When applicants to groups are called back to multiple groups, they rank their order of preference of the groups they are trying for. If accepted by multiple groups, this ranking will determine which they join. It is unknown for a person to be a member of more than one a capella group concurrently.

=== Singing In New Members ===

It is tradition to notify new inductees of their membership by "singing them in." In this ritual, the current members of the group taking them will take efforts to find a time that the person will be in a certain place, often their [[entry]], and sometimes while they're asleep. The whole group will then gather outside the door, or otherwise near the person, and sing an often-traditional song of their choosing. When the entry of the inductee also contains a rejectee, efforts are taken to ensure that the latter is not at home.

== Songs Groups Should Do ==

Here's what the masses are demanding from Williams a capella. Add songs it would be cool to hear. If applicable, include what group should do it, who should solo, link to an arrangement, encouraging words, etc.

== Songs Groups Should Never Do/Stop Doing ==

Yeah, maybe that five-minute guitar solo won't ''really'' sound too hot as a human voice ensemble. Here are the songs people want to warn groups away from, for whatever reasons.