

Men's Golf Team

1,081 bytes added, 07:35, May 6, 2006
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"Halftime Putting Contest": At the halftime of the homecoming football game, the team gathers at (stumbles to) Taconic for a putting contest. Anyone not completely inebriated (Kevin, hrmph) should not participate. Recent winners have included Matt Slovitt, despite falling over on several of his putts, and Kurt Brumme '05, who sank the winning 40-footer in 2005 with a BAC of... a lot. Talking wasted with Coach Pohle is not required, though it seems to happen every year and end poorly every time. "Enjoy the second half."
 "[[Broomball]]": The men's golf team has won the last two contested college winter study IM broomball championships.  In 2004, Bryan Harmon '04 scored every regular season goal for the team, capping his incredible season one-man show with a key late-game breakaway backhand goal over Choir goalie Dan Krass's shoulder to send the team into the playoffs. Once in the playoffs, Zach McArthur '05 took over, scoring every post-season goal, including an early-game rifle from the blue line that won the championship 1-0 over the very cheer-happy Fay 2squad. Ned Wydysh '04 was a rock in goal, allowing but one regulation goal all year and stuffing Rugby time and again in an exciting semi-final playoff shootout. As for 2005, despite losing Wydysh and Harmon, the team had a regular season probably unmatched in broomball history. With the other main contrinew varsity women's golf team providing support, the bench was long, every game was a blowout, and even Kevin Kellert '07 scored a goal. However, Harry Sheehy canceled the playoffs due to concerns that the ice was getting dirty from sneakers. It was a sad end to a dominant January on the ice. In 2006, two new team members stepped up as rising stars to successfully defend the broomball crown. Tim Evans '06 and Matt Felser '09 took advantage of playing the regular season half-ice as the team went undefeated. In the playoffs, the team coasted through until the championship, when they had to play shorthanded the whole game, and with Kevin on the ice to boot! Despite basically playing 2-men down the entire contest, the golf team triumphed once again for their second straight playoff crown.