

Ode to Williams

709 bytes added, 00:55, March 17, 2006
someone please fix my lilypond formatting
Apparently, numerous members of the Williams community have taken it upon themselves to learn this catchy bit of verse.
Below is the music for the Ode to Williams. The only example that seems to return a bit of beautifully-formatted music is the one on the [ About page]; everything else, including on the [ lilypond wikimedia entry] and on the
[ tutorial] appears to only return an error. Sad, sad Ode to Williams.
<lilypond>g4 g c c c d e c c c b b b c d2 g4 g b b b c d g g g c c c d e2 e4 e f f f f a a f f e c c c d2 c b b b c d g g g c c c d e2 e4 e f f f f a a e e c c d e (f2 f4) f4 e e d d c g g g e e d d e</lilypond>