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Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Sex, but We're Not Afraid to Ask

  1. Other than for self-fulfillment, why did early Romans place their hands on their testicles?

  2. What was developed by Sylvester Graham as an aid in the reduction of sexual desire?

  3. How did Marilyn Chambers first gain national exposure?

  4. What word was Florence Henderson the first to use on television?

  5. What is the supposed location of the G-spot?

  6. What was the film biography of porn great John Holmes called?

  7. According to the U.S. Supreme Court, what are the 3 criteria necessary for something to be considered obscenity?

  8. According to Tom Lehrer, what's REALLY involved in the fight against obscenity laws?

  9. What "Carol Burnett Show" semi-regular was Playgirl's first centerfold?

  10. What are "ben wah balls," and what is the embarrassing drawback of using them while traveling?

  11. In the horror spoof "Pandemonium" two students hear a strange noise while in bed together. The man decides to check it out and is asked by his partner "Do you want me to come with you?" What is his reply?

  12. According to Playgirl, what are the "Lipstick," the "Motorboat," and the "Pleasurable Protuberance?'

  13. Who said that the ideal magazine cover featured "sex, sex, sex, sex. What's new?"

Sex Among the Cultured

  1. What Shakespearean play features the less than subtle line "He ploughed her, and she cropped?"

  2. In Voltaire's "Candide," Cunegonde relates a tale of having been not-quite accosted by a man who "sighing and muttering between his teeth" said, 'Oh che sciagura d'essere senza coglioni!' What does this mean?

  3. What deviant sexual practice was performed frequently by certain members of the Buendia family in "One Hundred Years of Solitude"?

  4. What early 17th century English poet dedicated one of his major works to convincing virgins that life was too short for them to remain that way, and to what part of his mistress' body did he devote a later work?

Sex Among Folks Who Don't Care if They're Cultured

Name the person who publishes the following magazines:

  1. Penthouse

  2. Playboy

  3. Hustler

  4. Screw

  5. Rolling Stone (we're only asking this because of that picture of Lisa Bonet they put in the last issue)

Tenderness Among the Two-Dimerisional

  1. What was the brutally explicit sexual advice about the health threat of AIDS that "Bloom Picayune" Chief Editor Armand Dipthong gave to his readers?

  2. According to "The Dieter's Guide to Weight Loss During Sex," what are 3 methods of delaying orgasm?

  3. According to "Love is Hell," how does Nietzsche define love?

  4. In one particular "Far Side," two creatures of a bovine nature, apparently of opposite sexes, are sitting in a bar. One says to the other, "So, what d'ya say?..Maybe we could go back to my place ... Have a few drinks ... a little alfalfa....Maybe we could show each other our brands ... Ha ha ha ha ha." What is the caption?

Things Woody Allen Would Like You To Believe He Knows About Sex

  1. Annie Hall
    How does Alvy defend masturbation?

  2. Sleeper
    Why didn't Diane Keaton's character and her artist friend have sex after the dinner party?

  3. Zelig
    Why did Zelig break with Freud on the issue of penis envy?

  4. Love and Death
    What is the difference between sex and death?

  5. Manhattan
    While dining with Yale, Diane Keaton's character insists that she could have sex with every member of a certain elite group. What is the group?

And Now For Something Completely Different

Give the scientific terms for sexual arousal gained from the followingsources:

  1. Feces

  2. Enemas

  3. Urine

  4. Intercourse with animals

  5. Rubbing up against strangers