1 |
12:30 AM |
Give us a perspective on cluster housing in the style of Dr. Seuss.
2 |
1:30 AM |
The recently-discovered Gnostic Gospel of Judas casts Judas in an
entirely different light than the four canonical Christian gospels. Come on
down and do the same thing for Iago in Othello, Sauron in The Lord of the
Rings, or anyone involved in the 2000 presidential election.
3 |
2:30 AM |
So you shot a man in Reno just to watch him die? Come down and show us
what you talked about while he was expiring.
4 |
3:30 AM |
Perform an interpretive dance on the origin of humanity.
5 |
4:30 AM |
Organize a merger between academic departments here at Williams.
6 |
5:30 AM |
You know those ridiculous moral dilemmas that they talk about in
Philosophy class? Come down and tell us how, exactly, a mob of blind, deaf
children wound up on a railroad track in the first place.
7 |
6:30 AM |
Serenity lands in Middle-Earth, in search of a famous and undoubtably
expensive ring. What happens next?