[Ephlats] Arrangment!!!

Madsen, Amanda arm3 at williams.edu
Tue Nov 12 17:08:40 EST 2019

Hi friends,

Here is the arrangement for Are You Gonna Be My Girl. Some notes:

   - The solo is not entirely correct with how the soloist from the cover
   does it (sorry I can’t do rhythms) - it’s mainly just there so you know
   where you are in relation to the solo (i.e. you can ignore it)


   The dynamics in the beginning and the end (“doo-we”) are supposed to be
   like swells. Hit the “doos” and then get quiet and then crescendo into the
   “we,” if that makes sense.

   In the original cover, they do “hoo” instead of “doo” for the swells -
   you can try both and see what sounds better

   For the most part, dynamics are notated above the soprano line. Anything
   else will be notated in your part (I think this only applies to basses).

   Because I put all the dynamics in the sop part, when you play the
   musescore it sounds whack (with sops louder/quieter than everyone else),
   please ignore that lol

   When it switches tempos - I left blank measures for Ruthie to do her
   little solo things. Conductor should just bring everyone in when Ruthie is
   finished. You’ll probably have to practice Ruthie’s “1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4”
   until it works with conductor bringing everyone in (if you listen to the
   cover, it’s almost like the soloist brings everyone else in).

   The five part split in the females - do this however you want, I just
   wrote it in the score the way that looked the nicest

   Last measure - listen to the divisi cover and you’ll understand how I
   want this. It should slow down and every note should be cued by conductor
   (or if you have a better way go for it)If you have questions just ask
   me. Also if you have better ideas than mine go for it!! Have funnnn :) I
   can’t wait to hear it

If you have questions just ask me. Also if you have better ideas than mine
go for it!! Have funnnn :) I can’t wait to hear it!

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