File list

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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
00:48, March 31, 2008 Storytime Hopkins 2004.jpg (file) 374 KB Three 05s ready to read stories in a gathering in Hopkins 1st floor, 12 Jan 2004. 1
00:40, March 31, 2008 Storytime at WPL spring05.jpg (file) 47 KB story of Rapunzel told to children at the Williamstown Public Library in Spring 2005 1
00:40, March 26, 2008 CUPPS cup 01.jpg (file) 259 KB The CUPPS cup given to Williams students matriculating in Fall 2001. 1
19:13, March 23, 2008 2004 Intro Neuroscience Syllabus Modified.pdf (file) 46 KB My effort to make the syllabus compatible with the outdated edition of the textbook. 1
01:54, March 19, 2008 Nerfwar.jpg (file) 124 KB Picture of a nerfwar held in Bronfman, Homecoming 2008. Not part of KAOS, but a suitably similar activity. For the KAOS page for now; should be replaced with a real pic from KAOS when possible. 1
22:37, March 16, 2008 Bridgeclub08cheatsheet.pdf (file) 54 KB Bridge conventions for Cornell's club, written by Jonathan Landsman in spring 08 1
21:49, March 16, 2008 Bridge Club Cheat Sheet.pdf (file) 98 KB The "Cheat Sheet" of bidding conventions use by bridge club after WSP 2004, developed by Jonathan Landsman. 1
16:14, July 16, 2006 Greatestgame.jpg (file) 58 KB picture of Sean Carollo '07's drawing in a greatest game. Harvested from Katy Dieber '07's profile, currently without permission. 1
02:25, May 14, 2006 Mountain Day 2003 kite flier.jpg (file) 147 KB Jonathan Landsman flying his kite at Mountain Day 2003 1
02:22, May 14, 2006 Me flying Glory.jpg (file) 147 KB Jonathan Landsman flying his kite at Mountain Day 2003 1
02:13, May 14, 2006 Zach halloween 2005.jpg (file) 78 KB Zach Halloweens as a Math pickup line. 1
00:22, May 9, 2006 Apple relay2.jpg (file) 143 KB Apple relay at 2004 Halloween Contra. Margit passes to Jonathan, bow wow. 1
00:11, May 9, 2006 Snap apple.jpg (file) 111 KB Snap apple at 2004 Halloween Contra 1
00:10, May 9, 2006 Contra halloween long line.jpg (file) 263 KB Long line at 2005 Halloween Contra 1
00:09, May 9, 2006 Contra lines4 dangerbraid.jpg (file) 156 KB Lines of 4 with "Dangerbraid" 1
00:09, May 9, 2006 Apple relay.jpg (file) 224 KB Apple relay at the 2004 Halloween Contradance 1
00:08, May 9, 2006 Apple bob.jpg (file) 174 KB Apple bob at the 2004 Halloween Contradance 1
22:50, May 2, 2006 Neuroscience modified Syl.txt (file) 3 KB In Fall 2003, I took Intro to Neuroscience and modified the syllabus readings so that I could use the 1st rather than 2nd edition of the Purves text. This is the modified syllabus for that year's class, which I distributed to about five other students wh 1
11:02, April 29, 2006 SELFREG.jpg (file) 94 KB DROP/ADD screen from SELFREG. 1
22:11, March 23, 2006 Rude cider05.jpg (file) 68 KB Band Rude Cider at Valentines 2005 1
22:10, March 23, 2006 Contradance2-05.jpg (file) 81 KB Valentines Day contra 2005, whole hall in long lines forward and back. 1
21:54, March 23, 2006 Rude cider.jpg (file) 17 KB Student contradance band Ride Cider plays Mountain Day 2002. 1
14:03, March 18, 2006 Brian Hirshman '06 to Deviants - 25 April 2005.txt (file) 4 KB Regarding getting Prof Morgan made a Captain. Permission of sender to upload email obtained. 1
18:04, March 17, 2006 Morton Owen Schapiro to the Williams Community - 12 May 2004.txt (file) 1 KB Email regarding the Kechley Krazy Kookout. 1